Ch 18 - The Road to Recovery

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stellarosedutton co author

Kayce's POV
I hear a heart monitor beeping in my ear with a soft hand playing with my hair. I moan, feeling like someone is banging my head against a rock. Blinking my eyes open I squint immediately from the bright lights shining down on me. "Where the hell am I?" My throat is really dry as I hear my wife's voice. "The hospital Kayce…" Lifting my left hand I see an iv in it, making me scoff. "Walker…" Y/n brushes some of my curls from my face. "He's in jail for a day or two. The doctors came back with the results. You've got a slight concussion." The door opened for me to see Tate start running to me, tears falling but dad grabs him warning. "Be easy on your dad, Tate." He climbed into bed with me and he laid his head on my chest sniffing. "I was afraid bad daddy had hurt you." My eyes flicker from my son up to dad who can clearly read my expression. "Don't worry your sister's watching Evelyn." Y/n pushed herself to her feet angrily bawling her hands into fists. "I should've dumped Walker years ago. Ah! It's like high school all over again!" She screams letting tears fall down her cheeks. Dad clears his throat, fumbling with his black cowboy hat. "Uh grandson, how about you take your mom on a walk." Tate wipes his nose hugging me one last time before taking his mother's hand leaving the room. "I know that look dad, spit it out." I coughed still not fully awake, but he has an angry look on his face. He stares at me deeply, clutching his hands into fists at his side. "I want Walker off my ranch for good. That son of a bitch has something of mine. I want it back before he's gone!" I turn my freehand into a fist knowing he's talking about him wearing the brand. 

Y/N walked with Tate, taking a deep breath as she walked with him for a while as she texted John ''let me know when I can bring Tate back, I had to step out because I can't stand seeing him like that. It hurts to see him hurting, and wondering where he is even though I can't do anything to help him” She says, her eyes welling up with Tears as she hugged Tate ''kiddo, you know that daddy and mama love you. But mama is gonna need some help when Daddy comes home, he is gonna be sick for a while and we gotta help him get better alright?” She says, ruffling his hair playfully before sitting down on a bench with him as she was stressing because the man she loved was laying in a hospital bed and she couldn’t do anything to help him or make it where he was comfortable and not stressing about anything going on right now but she didn’t know how to help him.

Kayce’s POV
Grunting in my bed I struggle to sit up wanting out of this bed. But I can't get discharged until the doctor says so. It's so frustrating. I'm in pain because of Walker and he'll be sleeping on our ranch until we can take care of him. The door opened for dad to enter with the doctor. "Kayce Dutton, I looked over your results and you have a minor concussion. But you can't ride horses for almost a year. You'll also need someone to keep a close eye on you on the off chance you have blackouts or something. But I discharged you with the nurse." Laying my head in my hands I clutch my hands into fists. He's jacked up my whole life now. I already have PTSD from the years of war. I don't need a damn concussion. Dad helps me out of bed and into a wheelchair since it's a rule of the hospital. Once we're outside he opens the trunk door and I force myself up into the passenger seat seeing Y/n behind the wheel. "Where's Tate?" I winced, still feeling pain in my head after buckling my seatbelt. "He's in your dad's truck." She doesn't say anything else after turning the key, starting the truck and heading home. Her eyes filled with concern for me. I closed my eyes pressing my forehead against the window, not being able to look at my wife's eyes. 

Rip’s POV
Rip walked out of the bunkhouse, clearly seething as he watched Walker come out before grabbing the male by the neck and slinging into his truck as he slammed the door before turning to John “he is going, what do you want me to do. Because i will definitely do whatever you tell him, he messed with my family and now he is paying the price whether he wants to or not” He says, his anger showing as he huffed lowly and ran a hand through his hair while watching for his friend who would be helping with the problem “Come on, i gotta know what you want me to do sir, i can take him to the train station, and make sure that no one finds any traces of this pathetic excuse of a man.” He says, his hat resting on his head as he was fiercely protective and loyal to the Duttons and the ranch

John's POV
Watching Rip toss Walker in his truck I hold back a smile at seeing him deal with the man who hurt my family. Shoving my hands in my brown coat I stare at my son in law. "I don't care what you do with him, Rip. Just make sure he doesn't come back here. He's hurt my family too much." Rip nods, getting in his truck driving off. The front door opens and out runs my grandson. "Grandpa mana made pancakes but I can't tell which one is the biggest." Scooping him up in my arms I carried him back to the kitchen sitting him down at the kitchen Island. "How about we do this. Stack all of them up to figure out which is the biggest. How's that sound?" He nods, smiling big, stacking every pancake. My phone vibrates in my pocket. I see one text from Lee and another from Beth. Lee's read "We gotta move the cattle. Gonna need the helicopter." and Beth's read "Competition is trying to build an airport up against our fence." Hearing footsteps coming down the stairs I see a tired Y/n, grabbing Evie's baby bag off the floor heading upstairs. She's been taking care of her baby and my son since we got home. Tate munches on a pancake before I grab my hat off the table. "Grandson, you wanna ride in my helicopter?" He shoved the remaining pieces of food into his mouth grabbing his coat heading for the door making me grin. 

Y/N yawned and laid the baby bag on the changing table as she changed Evie before she put her little girl in her crib as she went to check on Kayce who was running a fever “Kayce honey, how is your head feeling?” She says, wiping his forehead as she worried about her husband but she hadn’t even stopped to care for herself and devoted her every waking moment to Kayce and Evelyn but she needed to sleep as she texted Beth “Beth, can you watch Evelyn later. I haven’t slept in weeks, and i need to sleep or else i’m gonna end up sick. I can’t get sick, Kayce needs me right now” She sends the text, dozing off next to Kayce’s bed as she holds his hand and falls asleep in the floor beside his bed for the first time in weeks, actually getting a decent amount of rest for once

Beth’s POV
Heading upstairs to their bedroom I see my sister in law asleep on the floor so I pulled her up into a chair by the window tossing a blanket over her. My brother's asleep as well but I see my little niece wide awake. She clasps her hands together but I tell her to be quiet. Picking her up I grab a warm bottle from the fridge downstairs. Sitting on one of the porch chairs I feed her the bottle until she's done burping her a little. Rip's truck pulled up and he had a scowl on his face until seeing me holding baby Evie. "I wasn't expecting this sight when I got home honey." He sits beside me letting her grab his thumb playing with it. "Y/n passed out upstairs, my brother too. She texted if I could watch her for a little while." My husband smiles, groaning a little when she tugged at his beard. I show a smile handing her to him. "You wanna hold her, baby?"He lifts her into his arms smiling when she giggles up at him. Seeing him holding my niece I wished we could have our actual children. But since we can't, my niece and nephew will. 

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