"I'm not mad.", I repeated my answer from before. Then I grabbed the towel close to me and dried my hands on it. 

"I just don't think you should get back to training so soon, that's all." With these words, I turned around again and started to chop once more. Somehow, it required a lot of strength to keep looking him in the eyes today. I didn't know if it was because he hurt me with having a girlfriend, but if I had to bet on it, I would bet on this particular reason.

"Do you want to stay for dinner, by the way?" Again, I tried to change the topic. This time, though, it didn't work as well as it had before. 

"I would love to, but you're not getting out of this conversation.", he responded. I stopped my movements for a second and closed my eyes. As fast a this had happened, I started to cut the vegetables again.

"Was worth a shot.", I mumbled more to myself. Again, I heard him move and then he appeared next to me, on my left side. He leaned against the counter I was working on and looked at me from the side. His arms were crossed in front of his chest. I looked at him for a moment, then found my words again. 

"I'm just worried about you.", I said. "Look, I've seen this situation before in my brother. He had an injury and got back to training too soon. It just threw him back for a couple of weeks and was devastated because of it. I don't want that to happen to you."

"You're worried about me." There was that damn chuckle on his face again when he repeated my words. I quickly grabbed the towel next to me and slapped his arm with it. Not hard, but hard enough to make him flinch when it hit his elbow. An "ow" was the response, but I knew it didn't hurt him seriously.

"You're unbelievable.", I added when I put the towel back down but grinned when I said it. 

"You still like me though.", Lando said and I couldn't hide the smile on my face as he said that. There was this urge in me to get back serious and make sure he got my point. 

"Seriously, though. You should take at least two days off. Take a break, get fully well again and then start to get back out there. I think it would be the best for both you and your career." My eyes were tightly connected with his.

Lando looked at me like he was thinking about my proposal. There was still another thought I wanted to get out of my head, but I tried to hold my tongue at first. I knew if I was saying it out loud, I wouldn't be able to control my emotions anymore.

"And you will take care of me then? Act as my butler as I lay on the sofa and watch TV?", he proposed with another cheeky grin on his face. Again, I looked at him like he had just grown a second head. His jokes didn't get any funnier. 

"You wish.", I answered and got back to cutting my vegetables. Then the words I wanted to say earlier came back into my mind. It was the perfect opportunity for them, so I couldn't hold myself back.

"Oh, wait. You have a girlfriend. Perfect! She can take good care of you then and you can just sit back and relax."

My voice came out way more ironically than I expected it to be but that was how I was feeling deep inside. I lowered my head even more as I swallowed the big lump in my throat. His eyes were still on the side of my face. Emotions were clearly shown on my face, I just knew it. I was never good at hiding my feelings from the people I care about the most. The atmosphere between Lando and me changed. We both knew it wasn't the smartest move from me to mention her. 

"Well, I could do that if I had a girlfriend.", Lando said without many emotions. "But I don't at the moment." His words made me stop myself mid-movement. I held in for a moment, then laid the knife back down. I knew I would never get these vegetables cut if the conversation continued to go like this. After I just looked at the cutting board for some seconds, I surprised myself with having the strength to look him in the eyes after a statement like this. 

All I know - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now