Jeongguk scoffed but didn't reply.

"It's okay, he's just a kid", Taehyung mumbled linking his arm with Jimin's and leading him away.

"That's no excuse to talk to you like that," he heard Jimin complain before they went out of earshot.

Jimin was Taehyung's fiercest protector, not that Taehyung needed any protection according to Jeongguk. Taehyung only seemed fragile, he didn't argue or talk back much but that did not mean he couldn't, the calm sea could sink even the mightiest of ships who faced it's wrath.

But Taehyung had slowly become Jeongguk's fiercest protector. He defended the maknae in whatever was possible, from his hyungs anger, from their manager's scolding, from their staffs complaints. Whenever Jeongguk was in one of his moods, Taehyung was usually the one to cheer him up, make him smile. He was shield, saving the younger from the harshness of the world.

Jeongguk went and plopped on a mattress with a frown on his face.

He was pissed.

Pissed at his schedule, pissed that he couldn't sleep, pissed at his hunger, and mostly pissed at himself for raising his voice at Taehyung.

He felt guilty for being rude. Taehyung had always been so gentle with him, never raised his voice at him, even when he was being a brat.

He massaged his temples and groaned. "I should stop staying up so late"

The others were back to playing the game, Taehyung with them. He had teamed up with a grumbling Yoongi. It was not just Jeongguk, nobody in Bangtan could ever say no to Taehyung's eyes.

Jeongguk pulled up his hood and lay down on the mattress. His thoughts occupied by the brown haired boy. A mixture of laughter echoed through the room, but one stood out for the maknae. The mirth filled laughter warmed him to his bones. Taehyung was life itself, wild and free, wonderfully chaotic.

The maknae was slowly being lulled to sleep. The tiredness was taking over his body and his eyes were closing. He could take a small nap for sometime and all would be well.

The was a bit of shuffling, and a bit of incoherent protest in the background making him flutter his eyes half open. He saw Jimin's reflection in the mirror ahead, eyes wide and frantically waving his head from side to side.

"What is happening?"

He caught Jimin mouthing the words, "Fuck, No." And before he could turn back to see what the situation was, a whooshing sound came from behind him. On instinct, he rushed to put his hands above his head and the obnoxious green exercise ball bounced away.

Laughter echoed around the gymnasium.

Jeongguk saw red.

That does it.

In a matter of seconds Jeongguk sprang up from the mattress, pulled his hood up and ran behind the perpetrator. None other than the guy he was feeling guilty for a few minutes ago. His phone tumbled out of his pocket but he did not give a single shit.

There was a scream from deep within that wanted to force a way from his mouth, as if his soul has unleashed a banshee, His frustration was exploding like built up steam, burning him on the way out, and about to burn the one on the receiving end.

He ran behind Taehyung as fast as he could.

He was full of rage.

He was going to catch him.

He was going to catch him and-


And then kiss him.

Fire On Fire  [TK]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora