Chapter 32: On the Run

Start from the beginning

Ahsoka walked quickly and silently through the understreets of Coruscant. Her heart pounded as the frightful reality of what her life had become settled around her. She couldn't believe what had happened, she was not safe anymore. Screens lined the outside walls that had recently switched from the holo-net to a wanted poster and bounty for her. Ahsoka gasped as she hurried down a side street: Would the Jedi truly send Bounty Hunters after her?

Turning a corner, Ahsoka saw a drunken and homeless Gotal wearing a dark brown cloak and waving a half empty bottle of alcohol about. He was trying to gather some money to help him but Ahsoka saw that this was an important. "Hey buddy, do you want to trade? How about this ration bar... For that cloak." The Gotal looked suspicious but eventually handed it over.

Asajj had been hunting down the Jedi's little pet for a while but had managed to track her down. There had been a fiasco at one of the train stations and then one of the lifts. No casualties but authorities had confirmed that she was there. Now all it took was a little patience and logic and the Nightsister would get another paycheck. Walking across some of the metal platforms she could see the hooded Togruta walking quickly down a darkened street with her back to her. Jumping down, Ventress knocked Ahsoka down on her back and activated her lightsabers on either side of her head. "I didn't believe it when I heard the news, but I guess you really are on the run." The mask she was wearing couldn't disguise the laughter in her voice as Ahsoka squirmed.

Eventually her anger broke through. "So are you going to try and collect?" Ahsoka sneered at her.

Ventress laughed some more. "Most likely, why? What do I get that's better than credits if I don't hand you over?" Her hands were on her hips as though she was seriously considering this but Ahsoka knew that this could just be an act.

She racked her brains for something that Ventress could want and like a light bulb, her head lit up with an idea. "I'll speak to the Senate on your behalf, try and give you a full pardon. I'm sure that would make you're life easier." Annoyingly, she did have a point and with Asajj no longer considering herself a Sith or Separatist, the war crimes attached to her record were a pain.

"Very well, if you speak to the Senate I won't turn you in. However my loyalties go with the tide, if it's against you then I won't hesitate to collect." She handed Ahsoka her lightsabers and they both looked up to the sky to see a Republic shuttle honing in on their location. "I suggest we find another place to discuss this." Ventress grabbed Ahsoka's shoulder and pulled her along the street before the Padawan started to run on her own.

Anakin looked down from his ship where he saw his lovely little Padawan run off with... "Ventress." Anakin growled feeling confused at what she could have to do with anything.


Later, the pair of woman had managed to shake off the Republic for a bit and had come out of a street to a section of market below the train line. A hologram terminal stood to their side which Ahsoka gravitated towards while Ventress stood guard. The Dathomirian noticed that the Togruta was meddling with the wires to do with the device. "Adding another crime to your record?" Ventress teased while Ahsoka managed to get it working.

She shook her head. "I don't want them to be able to track this." Ventress nodded, slightly surprised by her cleverness to do such a thing. Ahsoka was then faced with the difficult choice of making one choice of who to call. Barriss was her best friend and had promised to do some digging on what was going on; yet Lux and her needed a chance to talk in case things went pear-shaped. Ahsoka hadn't exactly told Barriss the truth about what happened. Plus, he might have some useful Senate information that she could benefit from.

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