CHAPTER 5: Back To The Ketrot Spc

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Where am I ?

My eyes opened, and my blurry view was getting clearer and clearer every second. I blinked and was able to see the area around me clearly.

A narrow lane, with many carts, parallel to the border of the lane. I turned behind to look another rows of carts , parallel to another border of the lane. The lane was filled with people, holding cloth bags, filled with things. There were people selling vegetables on the cart.

I was in a Market !

How ? What happened what's the date ?

As soon as I thought about it, I for some reason looked up, towards the sky. The clouds, in the sky were forming some words. ' 27 June 2020 ' was written with the clouds in the sky. And, I for some reason thought it's perfectly normal for a cloud to represent the date

2020 ? That's .. thirteen years ago.. twenty seventh June... It's that day. What ? What's actually happening ?

I took out my phone and checked myself through the camera...I looked the same as I do in the present. So, for now I can deduce I have not time leaped but travelled through time.

If it wasn't for that day, I would have tried to go in that party of time-travelers, where no one showed up. But anyways, for now I had more concerning matter.

Why the hell was I here? Is the me a chance.

Although my phone seemed to work, it still showed the time from 2033, my time. I rushed towards one of people in the crowd and asked him time.

"Fifteen past noon" He replied, and went ahead as his shoulder bumped into mine.

There's still fifteen minutes more. This time, I, for sure, will save my parents!

Yeah, thirteen years ago. On June 27, at 12:30 there was a bomb which blasted in the eastern most state of our country, a bomb big enough to explode half of the city. And in that bomb blasting, I lost my parents. They died in a market.

I still remember, how I left my favorite goggles on the ticket counter of hill trolley, and pleaded them to bring it back. There vehicle was near the market and they... died, because of me. If only, I had kept my things with me.

I don't know what I am doing here in the past, but this time, I'll save my parents !

I still had fifteen minutes, I started running through the crowd. I ran, bumping with people here and there as they looked weirdly at me, cursed me. But neither of it mattered, nor did I care. As long as I could save my parents, everything would be fine. As I came out of the market, I realised the people whom I just crossed...Won't they die? Should I leave them or should I save my parents? If I tried to save them, I won't be able to save my parents.

What should I do? I was shaken, the time was not stopping. The clock continued to tickle. I grabbed my head.

"You monster, stay away." Shouted someone from my right. I looked towards the voice. He was speaking to me but I recongnised him. A blonde woman, with a round face and emerald green eyes with a black haired man who was wearing specs; They were my parents.

But they looked angry for something, and weren't they supposed to be in a vehicle?.

I rushed towards them, and without wasting a second held my mother's hand, and naturally she threw my hands back , but what surprised me was her expression. When a stranger grabs your hand, you are either confused or angry.

She was...Disgusted.

An expression of disgust and fear sprang upon her face as she shouted, "YOU MONSTER, STAY AWAY FROM US."

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