Chapter 15

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Yoshi stared at the invitation in shock.

For weeks now, he had not been able to see or hear from Freedom since the day she left his house in a hurry after he had confessed his feelings for her and now this?

He turned the paper over.

To: Sir Yoshi Manley

We hereby invite you to attend the sending off ceremony of Lady Freedom Yves as she prepares to start her journey across the seas as a lawyer.

Your attendance will be highly appreciated

Lady Marisol Yves

Yoshi crumpled the invitation in anger and walked to his whiskey table, pouring himself a glass.

"Are you alright?" Fran's voice asked from the doorway as his mother walked in.

"I am fine," Yoshi lied.

"Guzzling that whiskey like water? You are not fine-ooh! An invitation!" Fran grabbed the crumpled paper before Yoshi could react. She quickly read through it then looked at her son. "Are you not a fan of the Yves?" she asked.

He looked at her.

"Is it the negro girl?"

Yoshi's heart beat fast. "What about her?"

"I heard she was their 'daughter'. Was shocked utterly. Things have really changed here since I've been gone. So why do you not want to attend the ceremony?"

"I am just not in the mood-"

"Nonsense, Yoshi. Are you hiding from someone from the Yves? Must be that girl that I found having fainted outside. Poor girl was as cold as death. Must have lain there for a while under your window."

"What girl?"

"Black long hair and green eyes. About 16 or so-"

"Angie?" Yoshi frowned. "When was this?"

"That day they had a coming-of-age party at the town hall-"

Yoshi grabbed his jacket and rushed out. He found Junior, who had been giving him a strange look lately, seated near the carriage.

He stood up and gave him that strange look again-like he wanted to strangle or kill Yoshi but was restraining himself. "Sir?"

"Please take me to the Yves'."

Junior dropped the mug that was in his hands and approached Yoshi, clenching his fist. Yoshi backed away, sensing the danger.

"Stay away from her," Junior hissed.


"Freedom. Stay away from her."

Yoshi stared at Junior. "You are married man, Junior. You have no right to be concerned about Freedom right now."

"And you are a white man. Stay away from Freedom or I will do something we will both regret, Sir Manley. Freedom is a sweet, young woman and she does not deserve what is coming her way if you continue like this." Junior stopped being hostile and his eyes begged. "I have been wondering all this while who the mystery woman that had captured your mind was ...being blind to the fact that she had been in front of me all along. I saw you touching her in the carriage the other day. I know you people like to have a taste of the chocolate and then disappear after and Freedom is a better woman than that."

Yoshi breathed. "I am not going to hurt her," he promised.

"She is a negro. You and her are forbidden by law and by your Bible. And you know that punishment will be worse on her than it will be on you. Have a heart Sir and think about her safety first."

The Lady Yves Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant