Chapter 9

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Angenette decided to go to Yoshi's Manor alone without dragging Freedom this time around but when she got there, she found him having gone out as Junior came to meet her. 

He let her into the sitting for her to be comfortable while they waited for Yoshi.

Junior sat opposite her with his usual charming smile which she didn't return.

"How's Freedom?" he asked.

"Better now that you are out of her life," Angenette answered.

Junior nodded then stood up and walked to the door. He turned back to look at her. "You should stop trying."


"You should stop trying to pursue Sir Manley."

"As long as he doesn't have a wife, he's a free man."

"Not even when it's clear as day that he has no interest in you?"

Angenette laughed. "What makes you say that, Junior?"

"Because he likes someone else, Angie."

Angenette's smile fell. "Are you bitter because Freedom doesn't like you anymore?"

"I am bitter, yes, but that's not the reason I'm saving you from heartbreak. Sir Manley... he's in love with someone else and that someone is not you. I'm surprised you haven't seen it by now."

Angenette angrily stood up. "Im prepared to fight for Yoshi Manley. Who's the whore he's in love with?"

Junior just shook his head and left just as Yoshi Manley walked in, looking tired. He stopped short when he saw Angenette who was wearing a frown. 

"Angenette, you alright?" he asked, walking over to her. She randomly came over nowadays and in as much as he enjoyed her company, he wanted to be alone right now.

Angenette clasped her hands before her. "I am told that you plan to court someone else, Sir Manley. How true is that?" Hurt laced her voice even though she put on a brave face.

Yoshi brushed his hair back. "Angenette..." He didn't even know where to start.

"So you don't like me at all? What about all the gifts you have been buying me and my family? The business deals you have been getting my father from your international associates? The balls we have been to? The dinners? Do they not count for something?" Her voice broke.

Yoshi sat her down. "Angenette, I did all those things because I enjoy being around you but in as much as I enjoy your company, I have no intentions of courting you."

Angie cried. "Why? Am I not beautiful? Am I not educated? Father has decided that I will be attending the Higher School to become a nurse. Is that not good enough? Is there something wrong with me?"

"I just like someone else, Angenette. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry."

She looked at him. "What does she have that I don't, Sir Manley?" She could not help the jealousy that laced her voice. "I can be better for you if that's what you want because I have interest in you, Sir Manley."

Yoshi stood up because he felt guilty. He needed to leave right now before he said something. He grabbed his coat and put it back on.

"Junior!" he called and the man came running into the room. "Please take Lady Yves home. I'm heading down to the pub."

"Yoshi!" Angenette screeched at him but he walked out.

Junior looked at her with sympathy. "If it helps, I do not know who it is that Sir Manley is courting...or trying to but he has been spending time at the VanKirks."

Angenette spat angrily at the floor before marching out of the house.


Yoshi sat in the dark corner of the pub because he was not used to drinking in public places. He was on his second glass of whiskey just as the door opened and in walked a rowdy bunch, a bit drunk and laughing their asses off.

The bunch sat just a small distance further from him but their voices carried over as they exchanged greetings with the regulars.

Yoshi noticed the blond haired man that was speaking to his friend for some reason. He did not know the man but somehow he took notice of him.

"...I promise you, he told me himself," he was saying to his friend. "He swears he had the nigger and she was still pure. Never had a man in her and he enjoyed every bit of it."

Yoshi listened in.

"What do you mean? You know he's too scared of that crow Yves to actually do it."

"He swears the nigger was walking alone in the night, crying and he saw her. Took a hold of her and had her right there and then. And she was mighty screamin' but Aldraid shut her up."

Yoshi's heart raced. Freedom. He could tell that the men were talking about her because they had mentioned Yves. His nose flared in anger.

"If Aldraid can corroborate the story, only then will I believe your friend," another man said. "But let me tell you, these niggers got some of the best a man could ever ask for. I had me a couple at a brothel from down south and that was the best money I ever spent."

"Well..." a new familiar voice suddenly broke in.


"I really did have my way with that nigger," he said. "She kept beggin' me to stop but it was just too good to stop. Who wouldn't want what I am packin' in these pants?" He laughed loudly.

Yoshi rose angrily from his seat, upsetting his chair which fell with a loud crash to the floor, making all heads turn to him. He forced himself to calm down and then smiled at everyone, pretending to be drunk. He downed the last of his drink then stumbled towards the door, singing to himself in a slurred voice.

Before he stepped out, he heard Mulch say to his friends, "I think Aldraid might have killed her though coz he done hit her twice with a brick on the head. It was all bloody...we had to run after. Ain't seen or heard of her since. That's one nigger less on this earth."

Yoshi turned back around without thinking and he grabbed Mulch and punched him right in his foul mouth. Everyone else was just too shocked that a classy wealthy man could attack Mulch like that while Yoshi repeatedly punched Mulch in a fit of anger, blood staining his white shirt and his knuckles getting raw as Mulch tried to get over his shock and fight back.

Someone grabbed Yoshi from behind just as Mulch's fist caught him in the left eye. He tried to lunge at the man but the patrons separated them, forcing Yoshi out of the pub while others attended to the badly hurt Mulch whose face was bruised and bleeding.

The men threw Yoshi out. "You may be an aristocrat but fights are not allowed here, Sir." They looked apologetically at him as he stood from the ground and dusted himself up, the part around his bloodshot eye throbbing painfully. Mulch ha got him pretty good.

"I apologize for the disturbance, gentlemen," he said, taking out some money and handing it over into the greedy hands of the two men. "That's for your trouble."

"Thank you, Sir Manley. We'll deal with Mulch."

Yoshi nodded then walked in the direction of his manor, trying to ignore the pain in his eye and surrounding area.

As he walked through the door, he found his servants waiting on someone that was in the dining room. Only one person could make the servants behave like this.

Her long white blonde hair flowed down her back in braids with dainty jewellery in them. As soon as she heard him come in, she swished her blue dress around and turned to him, holding her beautiful head up high and looking at him down the bridge of her nose.

He took off his coat and dismissed the servants.

"Hello dear," she said in the most loving tone ever.

"Hello, mother."

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