Chapter 8

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Freedom never set foot outside of the Yves' Estate since her ordeal, despite it being a month or more later. She went on with her life like everything was normal even though she sometimes woke up with night terrors, sweating profusely and begging for help.

She had made Angenette promise not to tell anyone about what had happened to her and Yoshi had kept his mouth shut as well, even sending a midwife to check if Freedom was pregnant or not, even though Yoshi himself had gone overseas on his business trips as usual.

The midwife had checked the young woman and she was not pregnant at all. The relief that flooded her almost made her happy because she did not want to be a mother to a child who was a result of such a horrible incident.

As soon as the midwife left, Angenette came into the room with a smile on her face and some food.

"The midwife told us the good news."

Freedom smiled. "Thank Yoshi Manley for me, will you?"

Angenette turned sour.

"And the face?" Her sister asked.

"He is not seeking to court me," Angenette said bitterly. "All that wealth and handsomeness, gone into nothing? What if he marries a commoner? I'm beautiful, I'm educated, I can give him a family and take care of our home! What does he want?"

"Maybe other men," Freedom laughed.

Angenette was not amused.

"I'm just playing with you. Maybe he just is not ready to settle down. i mean...look at your father, he settled down with Lady Marisol after his thirties."

"Since when did 'our father' become 'your father'?"

Freedom turned away. She had been actively avoiding Lord Barley Yves because if truth be told...she had started feeling uncomfortable around white men. She was becoming paranoid and even though her heart told her that Lord Yves' would never ever do that to her...she still did not want to find herself in his company.

A knock came on the door and when the two looked up, a smiling Lord Yves was standing in the door. He was dressed impeccably and he was waiting for his daughters to see that he had even cropped his hair and beard.

Angenette felt Freedom's hand unconsciously clutch her arm.  She looked at her and placed a kiss against her temple to let her know that it was OK, their secret message.

Freedom let go of Angenette and suddenly ran into Lord Barley's arms, hugging her tightly. "You're my father and I know you would never hurt me," she whispered to him.

"Did me shaving hurt your feelings or something?" he asked, laughing.

Freedom looked at him and smiled. "I missed you," she said.

Lord Barley held his head high. "Well, I missed you too. You've been avoiding me and I don't know why but I assumed you needed time to yourself. Im glad to have you back, Freedom. You'll always be my little girl."

"You look nice. Are you and Lady Marisol going somewhere?"

"Oh! Yes. I came to tell you girls to get ready. Yoshi Manley is coming for dinner," Lord Barley beamed.

Angenette became excited even though she had been grouchy about Yoshi just a minute ago. "Is he back?"

"Yes. I believe he arrived earlier this morning. He says he got some deals for me with some acquaintances of his and this means a lot more money for us so I want you girls to look as best as you possibly could. We might score a suitor tonight." Lord Barley left.

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