Chapter 7

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Yoshi and Junior couldn't find her in the darkness!

"She's got to be close by!" Junior said angrily as he shone his lamp into the grasses.

Yoshi simply kept quiet and continued looking.

When he came out of the kitchen earlier, Angenette was distraught, sitting where he had left her but he could not see Freedom anywhere.

"Did she go home?"

Angenette shook her head and looked at him. "You shouldn't have done that," she said. "You shouldn't have told her."

Yoshi frowned. "Shouldnt have told her what?"

"That Junior was getting married!" Angenette said through clenched teeth, getting to her feet. "He was planning to marry her...they were so good together but father didn't want her marrying a negro and a poor one at that. Then they found their way back together but things didn't go as planned and she finds out that he's getting married to someone else! Classy, Yoshi Manley. Real classy."

"How was I supposed to know that they were together?" Yoshi said. "I do not ask my servants their personal pasts unless they voluntarily tell me. So forgive my lack of tact, Angenette Yves."

Angenette glared at him venomously. "You already hate my sister anyway so what does it matter to you? I'm going to find my sister and we're leaving."

Junior suddenly burst through the door and the two looked at him. He was flushed.

"Sir Manley, Freedom has left," he said breathlessly.

Angenette was enraged. "She left without me? How will I get back home?!"

Junior shook his head. "She walked out of the gates and she's never been to this side of the town before. She's gonna get lost or kidnapped or murderered. We need to go-"

"WHY DIDNT YOU GO AFTER HER?!" Angenette screamed, running out of the house and towards the gate, already yelling Freedom's name.


Yoshi ran after her and stopped her as she struggled in his arms, crying out for Freedom. He instructed a servant to take her back in while he and Junior grabbed lamps and went out to look for Freedom.

They had been searching for a while and just as they were beginning to give up as storm clouds gathered rapidly in the dark sky, Yoshi decided to veer a little off the path and he stumbled against something heavy.

He lifted his lamp and the small light it cast revealed a seemingly dead and hurt, half naked Freedom lying on the ground, her eyes closed as blood ran from within her hair, down her face. Her naked bottom was raw where it looked like she had been whipped and her legs lay splayed open.

Yoshi quickly set his lamp down and turned her over, not caring about her exposure except to save her life even if there was a remote chance that he was still alive. He quickly pinched her nose and started breathing into her mouth before compressing her chest like his father had taught him in case of emergencies.

Nothing was happening.

"Come on, Freedom," he begged as he tried again, over and over with no results whatsoever. "Please," he begged. "Please wake up."

He breathed into her again and again, pumping her chest only to be yanked off by an angry Junior who punched him in the face.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Junior yelled as he advanced on Yoshi who was clutching his face. He couldn't believe that he had just walked upon Yoshi trying to rape Freedom!!

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