Chapter 4

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Freedom sat near the river, watching the water run over the rapids in a fast motion. The river wasn't peaceful today, especially after last week's rains and she had no business being anywhere near it but Junior had said that this was the only spot where no one would find them if they did not want to be found.

Ever since that night at the party, the two had grown closer and closer until every 2 weeks, Junior made it his goal to always come home. As much as he supported a huge family of his parents and siblings on what he made, he always brought her a little gift, be it food or objects. In the last three months that they had known each other, she had amassed a couple of new jewellery and Mama was becoming suspicious but Angenette kept covering for her.

Just last month, Junior had brought her a beautiful locket necklace which she was yet to put pictures in. Mama had seen it and she had asked where she got it. She had claimed that Angenette had bought it for her and when Mrs. Rendell asked, her sister had corroborated her story.

Someone suddenly hugged her from behind and she knew by the light smell of smoke who it was. She turned around with a big smile on her face, looking at the tall man before her.

"You grew your hair?" she marvelled as she looked at his small afro. "You look like a girl," she laughed, running her hand across his beard.

He pouted under his beard, his arms still around her. "And I was just about to wish you a happy birthday. You're turning 18 today..."

She put her arms around his neck and gave him a quick kiss. "And...?"

"And my mother has been wanting me to get married for a while're the most amazing woman I have ever met and...I would like to take you as my wife."

Freedom's heart almost stopped. "What...what?" She still hadn't told him that she was not a servant in the manor...that she was one of the ladies. She let go of him and stepped back, staring at the ground. "Junior..."

"Hear me out first...I know that I will not be around a lot while working in the mines and that you will be living in the manor quarters with Marta but we can make it work. My job plus your job...we can start something for ourselves-"

She stared at him. "I'm not a servant," she whispered with doe eyes.

Junior stared in confusion at her. "You work with Marta, don't you? You help around the house and-"

"Junior..." she said in a trembling voice. "I'm not who you think I am and-"

Someone suddenly yelled and the two looked to the river curve where Lord Yves was advancing angrily towards them, followed by a scared Angenette and Marisol.

"FREEDOM!" He yelled.

"Junior, don't say a word," she whispered, looking at him. "I love you and I want you to always know that, no matter what happens. I want to marry you, OK?"

"What's... Why are those people here-"

"FREEDOM!" Lord Barley Yves was so angry that he was turning red.

Freedom knew what was coming and she looked up at Junior. "I am Lord Barley Yves' daughter, not a servant."

Junior stared at her. "What...what are you talking about? You are a negro."

"He raised me...Junior, I do not work with Marta. I...I am one of the Lady Yves. My name is Freedom Yves."

Junior was completely horrified just as Lord Barley grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back where Angenette and Marisol stood, both terrified and unsure what to do.

"Papa!" Freedom cried but Marisol and Angenette held her back as they all watched the scene before them.

Lord Barley glared venomously at the negro man before him and he felt like tearing the bastard from limb to limb for messing with his daughter.

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