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I hate the unnerving feeling

The way my stomach is clenched in a knot

The pain has me kneeling

To say the least, I hate periods a lot

But this one time I hope for it

To feel my body contract

Rather that than see 2 pink lines emit

I'm not sure I could handle that fact

Right now isn't a great time

But I'm sure that's what most think

Scared they'll think it's a crime

That I should see a shrink

Because sisters are one

And cousins are another

But having a sister thats a cousin isn't often done

Will they say I'm a terrible mother?

With no one to talk to

And no where to turn

I sit here and review

What's left to come and all the concern

Hopefully its just the stress

Not to sound too ungrateful

My life right now is a mess

And I don't want to be shameful..

Misled By A HeartWhere stories live. Discover now