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If I drank every time I was depressed
I would be an alcholic

Sure, there's times I laugh and smile
But, mostly I'm like an infant who has colic

Can't sleep at night due to a mind that's hostile
I often lay awake and think

Upon the future, upon the present, and upon the past
So here I write my words in ink

Wishing for a cure to actually last
Some way to cancel the noise in my head

But, they don't make headphones for that
And there's no way to stop monsters not under the bed

No need for an old wooden bat
I tell myself it's stupid to feel this way

Why am I so damn unhappy? What's wrong with me?
I am the reason no one ever stays

I used to blame them, but it can't be
I'm too clingy and too needy

I know I need help
I just want someone to free me

But my mouth stays shut, I can't even yelp

Misled By A HeartWhere stories live. Discover now