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I give too much away
And no one seems to stay
They say I'm in control
But that's never my goal

I'm selfish, that is true
All that I want is all of you
I hate to feel lonely
To feel like you disown me

I love to feel needed
But I'm often left mistreated
I've built a cage around my heart
But it doesnt keep me from falling apart

So many nights I lay awake and cry
Wondering why I feel this way, tell me why

As a kid I was deprived
Its a wonder how ive survived
I never saw how love was supposed to be
Instead it was a hand on her throat as she tried to flee

I remember all the yelling I heard
I should have done something but I didn't say a word

I wish she told me those three words, if only
I needed her love, but she wasn't looking closely

Is a child not a gift? Was I a mistake?
There's too much pain, too much at stake

I don't know how to change being this way
I was never taught to love the proper way

I thrive to find true love, to be married
But it seems that love is buried

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