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"Come in. Join us, nephew," Inez composed herself and strolled back to where her sister was sitting.

Ethan entered the music room but did not move to join his aunts. Instead, he stared at them, eyes squinting and laser-focused. "Convenient that you are able to mask your thoughts..." he said, rubbing his eyes and shaking his head in exasperation. "However, I can still pick up on the fact that you continue to hide your intentions from me. And I see no reason to trust you with my gifts if you aren't willing to be transparent with me about your objectives."

"Fair enough," Inez replied. "You're right. We have been hiding certain information from you. But that has been for your protection. And also, because the information we had was incomplete. That has changed recently, and you have earned the right to know the truth."

Ethan crossed his arms and observed Inez. "Which is?"

"Come, sit with me, Ethan," Clara drew his attention. "We'll tell you all about it." She patted a spot on the couch next to her.

Reluctantly, Ethan strolled across the room and sat down next to his aunt, looking at both of them expectantly.

"I'm not quite sure how to share this information with you, Ethan," Inez paused, taking a sip from her drink before continuing.

"As you know, your grandfather held the distinguished role of Magic Hat Maker for many years. What may not be clear to you yet is the fact that there is only one person with that designation on the planet at any one time," she stopped for emphasis.

"The position is passed on through the male bloodline, along with all of its requisite powers and abilities. Your father, Ross, being your grandfather's only male child, would have been the next in line to receive that designation, but when he died, that role naturally fell to you."

Ethan lifted his chin, looking down his nose at his aunt. "And...?" He prompted.

Inez held his gaze challengingly. "In addition to the gifts and abilities bestowed upon the person holding that position, this role requires training. An apprenticeship, working under the master. I'm sure that is what father had in mind when he sent the butler to collect you a couple of years ago. He was hoping to take you under his wing as his apprentice, to teach you the skills of the trade." She took another sip of her glass.

"Well, when it became obvious that you weren't willing to play along, that threw a monkey wrench in their plans. And now that Father is gone, no one in the world possesses the skills to teach the craft to another. Which presents quite a dilemma."

"Yes, quite a dilemma," Clara piped in.

"And this relates to your objectives, how?" Ethan asked.

"I'm getting to that. You see, nephew, the Magic Hat Maker designation comes with all kinds of perks and privileges. Not the least of which is direct access to world leaders and people in positions of power, as well as the ability to influence world affairs in your favor, if that is your desire."

Inez stood again and walked across the room, pulling aside the damask draperies to gaze out the floor-to-ceiling window. A breath-taking view of the Royal Palace stared back at her.

Turning again to look at her nephew, "All of that was destined to be yours, Ethan. That is your inheritance. You are the heir-apparent — the eldest male child. But we have recently learned that everything that should have been yours is being bestowed upon another." She paused, lifting her left eyebrow in his direction. "Since you were unwilling to go along with their program, and Jack's magical abilities have recently manifested, someone has relocated him to our ancestral home, Mac Paidin Manor. He is, even as we speak, being groomed to inherit all that should rightfully be yours."

Ethan's face darkened, and he shot up off the couch. "If Grandpa Edward is dead, how is it that my little brother has even a remote chance of learning this stuff?"

"That is precisely what we want to know, Ethan," Clara replied, unfazed by his anger. "And we have people looking into that very thing for us right now."

"It is unclear why Arthur has Jack, his friend, and his friend's father staying at Mac Paidin Manor unless they believe there is some way to teach Jack," Inez said. "They may believe there is someone in The Order of Light who can assist with his training. We don't know. But we intend to find out because," she locked eyes with her nephew, "as you might have guessed, utilizing the skills and abilities of The Magic Hat Maker are central to achieving our objectives."

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