Chapter 2 "Jessie"

Start from the beginning

“C’mon, Ginny I just want to make a new friend.” said Jessie while raising her shoulders.

Ginny was about to speak when I stepped in front of Jessie just an inch close to her face looking straight into her eyes and I said, “No peude.” Then I turned around, grabbed Ginny’s hand and walked straight to our designated table.

We sat down with my colleagues from the café and I know Ginny is staring at me with a dumbfounded face with her mouth open.

I looked at Ginny and said, “Ginny, close your mouth and stop staring at me.”

Ginny snapped out of it and shook her head, “Girl that was sexy and fierce! You crushed Jessie! Oh my God! You straight girls are soul crushers.”

Then Lizzy and Madison who was sitting with us said, “Kristina’s straight?”

I looked at them with my mouth open, “Why did you all think that I’m gay?”

Then Madison answered, “Amm… cause of your fingers.”

“My fingers?” I asked.

“Yeah… well, your fingernails to be exact. They are so neatly trimmed.” Madison explained.

I looked at my fingernails then looked at Madison, “So? I like it trimmed.”

Lizzy added, “The way you look at girls, you seemed very interested with our body.”

“And don’t forget the Gay Vibe that I said earlier”, said Ginny.

“No, you got it all wrong. I’m not—“

“Hey, Ladies! I got all of you some refreshments”, said Jessie cutting in placing the mixed drinks on our table and sat beside me.

Oh no… not this girl again. Please go away. I thought I crushed this fellow. Atleast that’s what Ginny said.

“You girls, enjoying yourselves tonight?”, Jessie turned to me, “How about you? What’s your name? My name is Jessie. Jessie Andrews.”

I got irritated a little bit because this girl won’t give up. Seriously! Oh and that smell? Is that her cologne or perfume or something?

“Okay, if you won’t tell me your name then maybe it’s a secret name. But I’m good at knowing secrets.” said Jessie while moving her eye brows up and down.

“Jessie, don’t be stupid! She’s straight!” said Lizzy, “You don’t want be heartbroken like your best friend AJ wouldn’t you?”

Then everyone started laughing except me.

“Remember the code. Never fall for a straight girl.”, said Ginny.

Then Jessie looked and smiled at me and then said, “I’ll take my chances.”

No way. Did I heard that correctly?

Then I said, “Oh no, no, no nice try, buddy but no thanks! Not a chance! You’re not my type and I don’t roll that way. I like guys and it’s ALWAYS going stay that way. Get the picture?”

Jessie started laughing, “You’re funny. I like that. I may not be your type but I think I can see a smile on your face. Right there. It’s cute. I’m making you smile. Meaning there’s that 1% tiny bit of chance that you might say yes to me in the future. Let’s start tomorrow, 7am, coffee, at the Café downstairs.”

“Very smooth, Jessie. Very smooth.” said Lizzy shaking her head.

“Too bad. I have work tomorrow. I can’t.” I said.

“She actually works at the café now. Carol just hired her this morning.” said Ginny trying to hide her laugh.

I looked at Ginny with a pissed off face. Really, Ginny? Why would you say that?

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