Al smiled down at me, and I snuggled closer to him. My eyes shut and I was asleep not even five seconds later.


I gasped softly when the car hit a bump, and then felt a hand on my head.

"You're alright, dear," Alastor cooed softly and I grumbled sleepily, sitting up. I yawned and my eyes were squinted slightly as I looked around.

Jake caught my eyes from the rear view mirror briefly before looking back to the road. He chuckled slightly.

"Good morning sleepy head, we're nearly there," he said teasingly and I stuck my tongue out at him.

Meanwhile Eliot was snoring in the front seat, his long legs sprawled out over the dashboard.

"Y'all want me to wake Eliot up?" I said, my voice still sounding a bit tired as I begun to reach for him.

Then Alastor's hand caught my wrist and I jumped and looked at him.

"Please don't." Him and Jake said at the exact same time. I stifled a laugh and looked back to the sleeping Eliot.

Just then I saw the sign to the camp grounds and all the tiredness left my body, replaced by childish excitement.

"Looks like we're here," Jake said casually, and pulled up to the guard shack. He purchased a spot for us, and the small iron gate opened to let us through.

It's a really nice camp ground.

There was a small bit left to drive until we made it to the parking lot.

From there we needed to walk.

The entire process from gate to our spot was around 45 minutes. Once we actually reached it, Alastor and Jake went to work setting up the tents.

Alastor, for some reason, knew exactly what he was doing. He had no trouble setting up our tent, and he was done no less than 15 minutes after starting.

Then looking over at Jake's, he was struggling horrendously.

"What the fuck..." I heard him grumble before he looked over at Alastor's tent. His mouth fell open and he threw his hands out in disbelief.

"How? What am I doing wrong!" he complained and I giggled, watching them from my place on a log. Each ground comes with its own cute little fire pit and log chairs sat around it.

Eliot was over in the grass, laying on his stomach with a look of wonder on his face.

Curiously I walked over to him to see what he was doing. I knelt next to him, catching his attention.

He looked over and smiled then pointed to where he was looking.

When I looked, I was surprised to see a small lady bug crawling on a dead piece of grass. Gently, I put my finger down by it and it crawled onto me.

Eliot watched me, his eyes still wide. I held the small bug. So pretty, and docile.

But she seems to be moving slowly...I think she may be dying. I smiled softer and looked to Eliot.

"I think our friend here is having a tough's a bit too cold out for her," I said and Eliot frowned softly.

"Aw..." he let off quietly and I watched the small bug crawl around my hand slowly. Eliot and I sat in silence, watching the little creature come to a stop near the center of my palm, the warmest spot.

She settled, and stilled.

Gently I put her back into the grass, returning her to where she belongs. Even so, I'm glad we found her.

So she didn't die cold and alone.

There were footsteps behind me, and Eliot's eyes trained up. I turned around, looking up at Alastor.

He knelt down, crouching instead of actually kneeling so he didn't get his pants dirty.

"What are you two doing sitting in the grass?" He chuckled slightly. Then he reached down and picked me up, standing back up easily with me in his arms.

"We were just watching a lady bug die," I hummed and his eyebrows shot up. My legs wrapped around his waist and my arms went around his neck.

"Well, should I arrange a funeral?" He joked and I chuckled. Eliot groaned from the ground and I looked down to see he'd flipped down onto his back and was looking up at us.

"Could you two go be adorable somewhere else?" He grumbled, and I flipped him off.

Alastor then carried me over to the tent, and I laid my head against his chest.

We came out on Friday night so that we would have all of Saturday, and then Sunday is New Year's Day.

So Saturday night will be the fireworks.

It's just now getting dark out and Alastor unzipped our tent, not putting me down.

"We're retiring for the night," he hummed out, "goodnight," he called.

Jake was already in his tent, successfully set up now, and he made some incoherent groan from inside as a response.

"Night!" Eliot called.

And then he stepped in and zipped our tent up.

Haunted (Alastor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now