Chapter 25

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I thrashed the entire room. I broke the dresser, the table, the chairs, I ripped the sofa and threw the cushions. The vase with flowers shattered. I sat on the edge of the bed and looked to my right. Pua sat right there with the dress in front of him and the white envelope with my name on it written artistically. The window was open the morning air was blowing. The window. She left from right here. The closet empty. The closet doors were broken, so were the shelves and the drawers. I broke every single thing. I punched the wall so many times that the paint and plaster was chipped. I sighed as I reached over to Pua. I picked him up, the dress and the envelope and walked out the room. Maria, Alan and Mal were standing in the hallway.

"No one enters this room ever. Maria give me the keys to the room." I said. She took the key out from her pocket and handed it to me. I locked the door. I walked to my room and put the dress in my closet. Pua sat next to the unnamed penguin on the bed. I sighed and looked down at my hand that held the envelope. I walked to the bed and breathed out. I pinched the bridge of my nose. Stop wasting time and open the envelope. The voice in my head said. I opened the envelope.

Dear Stefan,

I don't know how to tell you how grateful I am that you made it easy on family to pay back the money to you. I will forever be grateful to your kindness even though, you were harsh on the contracts at the beginning. But, that is just the way you get work done. You make sure it is done. You made sure my family knew how important paying the money back to you is. You made me marry you a thing no one wanted. Everyone I loved didn't want to let me go and I married with you heavy heart to help my family not live on the streets. I sacrificed my freedom for them.

Truth be told the entire time I stayed with you in London weren't all bad. I had Maria, Alan and the most wonderful library you own to keep me company. We always fought. I knew that I had to wait till the debt was paid. I also know that you hated my guts as much as I hated yours because I wasn't the obedient asset you wanted to get rid off after you got your money. I was unhappy because of our relationship. I knew I hated you for forcing me into getting married to you. But, truth be told I also had this small part of me that hoped that we could be associates. When I was trying to come up with a counter offer before the meeting Caleb sold me by tricking my dads' to sign your contract. I was sitting in my favourite café and I met this old man. He saw me working on some business deal. He said he taught business and he told me using my extended metaphors of us; that if these two assets combine they can learn something from each other. If I share my idea with you and you do the same we have two ideas instead of one idea to ourselves. That is when I thought that maybe we could make it work.

But, we didn't because you hurt me the entire time I was there. I have been in a dark place a few times but, this one included me being lonely everyday. I was away from family, friends and I was being controlled by you. A person who didn't even want to try to hold a civil conversation. You wanted to control me and I know that I am not a person who likes to be controlled. But, I followed your rules and broke them a few times. Still, you were not a person I could talk to. Only this last week after me starving myself because of me felling lonely and we having a talk about your flings and Kylie did we reach halfway to halfway. I endured too much pain and the way I let you know if was okay to hurt me by not treating me like a human, a business partner at the least I realised that the way I let you off the hook showed me that what we had was toxic. I can't let you cheat on me and at the same time control me. I can't let you think that it is okay if you claim me as yours like I was an asset one time and the rest a wife you fell in love with. We never had a chance at anything romantically and we could have done at least a few great things as possible business partners. But, you wanted power over me. I am taking a stand over all of this. I won't let you treat me like an object because I am not. I made my business from scraps with my best friends. I earned everything I got. I am a capable, independent person. I lost touch of who I was when I was with you in the house. We are toxic.

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