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Beam's P.O.V.

I managed to fall asleep halfway through our flight. I was trying to stay awake but it was a tiring day. Once we arrived Forth woke me up. I was still sleepy. When we were out of the airport I let out a relieved sight. I felt a little bit free from my problems. I followed Forth and was surprised to see someone waiting for us. Well for Forth at least. The driver helped us with our bags and we got in the car.

"I already have a place here. My parents rented out an apartment for me near the university I was supposed to attend." He said and I nodded.

"Wow ok that was convenient." I said.

The rest of the ride we were quiet. I was thinking about everything. I am here in London with Forth who is my ex boyfriend and a few hours ago he was basically a stranger. Now I am here in a foreign country with said man. But I knew him before that. Even if we were separated for almost a year he is still Forth, my Forth right? I looked at him and he seemed tired too. It's been such a horrible couple of days. We barely slept and the situation has taken an emotional toll on both of us. I bet we both look like shit right now. I'm glad we are away from everything. Maybe here we can start over. Forth turned to look at me too and I smiled softly at him, he did the same grabbing my hand in his and squeezing it. The driver dropped us out at an apartment complex. He gave us the key and took the luggage to a very nice apartment complex.

"Your old place is a dump and this place is so nice." I said walking in and he laughed.

"Yeah, my parents wanted me to have a nice place but I chose to stay in the engineering student dorm with my friends." He shrugged. The apartment was big with a kitchen, living room, one bedroom and bathroom it also had a great view.

"Wow I like it, is the university close?" I asked.

"Yeah it's like ten minutes from here I think." He said tiredly.

"I want to see it." I said.

"I will take you tomorrow. Now I'm gonna take a bath I'm so freaking tired." He said making his way to the bathroom. I let him go while I wondered around. There was only a bed and no extra blankets or anything. I need to buy that tomorrow for now I'll just sleep in the couch like that. I waited for Forth to take his bath before doing the same. I was surprised to see him in the living room when I got out.

"What are you still doing here? Go to sleep." I said.

"I was waiting for you. Do you mind sharing a bed? It wouldn't be the first time but you know. I can sleep in the couch if you want." He said looking at me. I contemplated the situation for a second. I mean I juts fled the country with him sharing a bed is nothing.

"I don't mind." I said after a while. We walked to bed and I lied there looking at the ceiling. I wanted to talk to Forth but its been such a long and tiring couple of days. I feel like I have lived a lifetime in two days.

"Forth are you asleep?" I asked and it was silent for a while. I thought he had fallen asleep.

"Im awake." He said and I turned to look at him laying on my side. He was looking up.

"Thank you, for getting me out of there. I felt as if I was suffocating there. I know this doesn't solve anything but I needed this. I just dragged you here and you agreed to come even if we are not together. Right now our future, everything just feels so uncertain. But you're still here with me, you have always been in your own way even when you left me. I found my way back to you even in this fucked up mess. Thats got to mean something right?" saying things out loud kind of helped me process everything better. I looked at Forth who was silent.

"I'm happy you found your way back to me. I haven't have time to process this. After being strangers for so much time you know me again. I cant believe it." he said and we were both silent for a while before he continued. "I think there's a part of me that still feels like this is just some cruel joke and when I wake up tomorrow you won't know me again. Even if you do its still scary because you're not mine anymore. We are just hanging on by a thread and in a blink you could go back to being a stranger again anyway. Because even if we still love each other our future together is uncertain. I still feel this guilt eating me alive because I didn't try hard enough to make you remember me. You are confused and rightfully so because once again your whole world is turned upside down and you are left to pick up the pieces one by one. If that wasn't enough your parents don't accept us. Once again I find myself thinking is it even worth a fight? Will we still be together in the end? or will we end up just hurting each other? But this time I'm not that selfless. I want to be selfish, I want to fight for our love. Even if it means leaving everything behind I want to give it my all. Because even after all of this we are here half way across the world together against all odds. Because you don't seem to hate me. Because after everything happened you choose to take me with you. So for me this is a sign that there's still a hope even if its the tiniest little bit. I will fight for it, for us and this time I'm not giving up. Im not going anywhere. You are stuck with me until you decided if you want me or not. Because I'm all in this time no matter what. I will be by your side until you tell me not to. You don't need to answer me now, I know you need time. Lets just rest for now and worry about everything else later ok?" he said and I was shocked. I dried the tears that were escaping my eyes. I had no words to say. It was nice hearing this things from him but I still didn't have an answer everything was still too fresh. I couldn't promise him anything because I wasn't sure of anything at the moment. He turned to look at me and smiled sadly. "I wish I could take all your pain away. " he said reaching to dry my tears with his hand. I placed my hand on top of his and tried to smile.

"we have time to figure things out. Let's just rest already like you said. Its been a tiring couple of days. Everything still so fresh. we will figure it out." I said and he nodded.

"Goodnight Beam." he said.

"Goodnight Forth." I replied. It wasn't long before sleep took over us we've been emotionally and physically drained. I was glad I could finally rest.


Is anyone still reading this? Is been so long but I want to give it a proper ending hopefully really soon.

Never ForgetTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon