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Beam's P.O.V.

I woke up with a massive headache. I sat down and noticed I was now in Forth's bed. He was sleeping on the couch not far away from me. I sighed now I know the truth but what good comes from it if I can't remember anything? Forth stirred in his sleep he must be uncomfortable sleeping there. I stared at him for a while and I couldn't make up my mind. Was he stupid? Or courageous? To do something like that. I couldn't even begin to imagine. Almost loosing the person you love for them not to remember you after. That must've hurt. If I was him I wouldn't endure having the person I love flirting with me and not remembering me. Just seeing me there living my life without knowing he was an important part of it. That must have been hard.

But why didn't he stay? His love was big enough for him to chose to leave but not to stay and fight? If it was me I would've done anything in my power to make him remember me. I don't know what to do. The only thing I'm sure in this moment is that a part of me longs for him. From all the people in this world I somehow found my way back to him. Even if I don't remember him, even if I didn't like men before I met him. I could have moved on like he thought and found a girl. But I didn't I found him.

Would he even want me back? Even though I forgot him? Could I even be with him after everything? How weird would it be. Me starting to fall in love with him again from the start while he already does. Him having the memories of the old me the one before the accident. Would we even have a chance? I don't think that will work out. There was just too much to think about. The path to take from now on is still unclear.

"Beam." Said a voice I recognize instantly. I looked up to see Forth standing in front of the bed.

"Huh?" I let out confused.

"Are you ok?" He asked concerned.

"Yeah I was just thinking." I said and he nodded. "I will leave now, there's some things I have to do." I said standing up.

"Just don't disappear on me Beam like last time." He said and I nodded.

"Wait what?" I asked confused turning back to look at him.

"A couple months ago you disappeared on a Thursday. Phana called me furious thinking I was with you. No one knew anything about you until Friday when you passed out from crying." He said and I was shocked.

"How do you know that?" I asked and he looked at me confused.

"I was the guy you were crying on! I thought you knew that!" He said and I shook my head.

"I thought it was Phana because he was in my apartment when I woke up. I didn't know it was you." I said and he sighed.

"It doesn't matter just don't disappear." He said and I nodded.

"I'm not I will be going to my parents house so don't worry if you cant reach me I will be fine." I said walking out the door.

It was a lie but I needed some time alone. I said the same to Phana and Kit. In fact they thought I left after class yesterday. I got myself some breakfast and headed to my old apartment. It's the only place I could have time for myself. I decided to look around to see if something might spark my memory but nothing was working. I laid down on the bed feeling miserable. As I was lazily looking around I noticed something in the corner of the room. I went to pick it up. It was a black leather bracelet with a gear hanging. I sat down in my bed looking at it. Doesn't seem like something I would usually wear. Also someone must have throw it there. I traced my finger over the gear. Suddenly I remember seeing something similar before one of the memories I got back was at the coffee shop a hand with a white bracelet with a B. That must have been Forths hand. So they were matching bracelets and this one is mine. Suddenly I started to remember.

I could see me sitting at my usual table in the coffee shop. I had a small gift bag beside me. Suddenly Forth entered the coffee shop and sat in front of me.

"Here your americano." I said handing him a drink.

"Thanks love you're the best." He said.

"You tired?" I asked looking at him up and down.

"A little, I haven't got much sleep this week. Not even this could keep me awake." He answered letting out a sigh.

"Why did you agree to meet me then? You should've gone to your house to rest!" I said worriedly.

"I wanted to see you. I know today's our two month anniversary. I'm sorry I didn't have time to get you anything I will make it up to you please don't get mad." Said Forth tiredly.

"I am mad! Just because you think I would get mad over a stupid present." I said looking away and he chuckled grabbing my hand.

"Oh come on! I'm sorry!" He said but I just looked away. "I love you." He continued.

"Yeah well you should you are my boyfriend." I said still mad.

"I'd love you even if I wasn't your boyfriend, in fact I fell for you since the first time I saw you and that was a long time ago." He said and I rolled my eyes. "Fine I guess I will have to keep carving hearts on the table until you believe me." He said and that grabbed my attention.

"Stop that idiot! They almost kicked us out for that! If we didn't come here so much they would've banned us because of your stupidity." I said and he laughed.

"Totally worth it." He said proudly.

"I got you a gift." I said and he groaned.

"Now I feel bad." He whined.

"I don't want anything I was going to buy this for you anyway it just so happen I got it today. Anyway here open it." I said giving him the bag. He looked at it curiously before opening it. There was a little black box and inside was the white bracelet with a B. "I wear your gear everyday and it's a reminder of you and that I love you so I thought of getting you something to remember me by for when we are apart." I said shyly.

"I love it, I promise to never take it off." He said and I smiled.

"I'm glad you like it." I said smiling happily.

"What do you say we go to your apartment and I cuddle you while I sleep." He said and I laughed.

"Let's go you really are tired." I said standing up. After that Forth's put his arm around my shoulder and we walked off.

I was surprised I remembered something! I started to cry this time happy tears. I couldn't believe it. I was so freaking happy right now. This is a start maybe I will remember the rest soon. While I was celebrating I heard someone trying to open the door of my apartment. Shit! Did someone really buy this place? I am in deep trouble! Before I could even hide the door opened.



Sorry for the cliffhanger hahaha it wasn't intentional I'm just too tired to keep writing so I decided to upload what I have and continue tomorrow! That's all for now bye!

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