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There was a problem with wattpad. Somehow the chapter got missed up and this one was a copy of chapter 13. Thankfully I write my chapters on another app so it wasn't deleted. So here you go this is the real chapter 13!

Beams P.O.V.

I had mostly given up on finding the truth. It's been a little over eight months since the accident  happened. I will keep looking but I didn't have much faith. Whatever they were hiding from me it was done well. Maybe I should visit my old apartment. I can find out to see if it's not occupied. But I doubt it every time someone moves out it doesn't take long for the spot to be filled. It probably looks irrecognizable by now.  I sighed dropping my head on the table. This is pointless I thought. As I was picking up my things to leave I looked around and saw that guy again. He's been coming for a while. I stopped what I was doing and stopped to stared at him. I know that I know him but I couldn't remember his name for the life of me.

I do remember he was Phana's friend. But they stopped hanging a while ago and we weren't friends so I can't remember much about him. He was oddly intriguing though. He's here every Friday the same as me. When our eyes meet he quickly looks away. Some times he even storms out or looks really sad. It really makes me wonder what's up with him. When he is engrossed in his work I find myself looking at him. I'ts the only time I can admire him freely. I've never been interested in men but seeing him it could be a possibility. The last time I liked a girl was so long ago and I haven't been interested in anyone for a long time. Maybe the person who was with me before the accident was a man. I tried to recall the hand I saw in my memory and now that I think about it, it didn't look like it was a girls hand. It looked rough and it had no other accessories except for the white laced bracelet with the B hanging. Could it be that I was with a man then? Maybe. But sadly I don't have anyone to ask. So many problems and questions I kinda need a little peace in my life. I looked at the guy one last time before standing up.

Maybe I should start moving on and focusing on other things. I can't keep dwelling in the past. Before leaving I went up to the counter to order something else. I didn't know what he liked so I sent him my favorite, a piece of chocolate cake. The cashier seemed surprised when I told her to bring it to the guy sitting in the corner. I guess she doesn't get those kind of request commonly. I contemplated on leaving a message but decided against it. I walked out the door before the server approached him but watched from outside. At first he seemed surprised and then he smiled. Damn he has a nice smile. I decided to walk away before he started looking around. Besides I looked like a stalker watching him from the window. I walked back to my dorm feeling somewhat content. I'ts been a while I thought.

The rest of the week I couldn't wait until it was Friday again. It surprised me to see that I was excited to see him again. He just captures my attention I feel like I'm drawn to him somehow. Which is weird but for now I'm not questioning it. Phana and Kit seem weirded out that I am finally happy again but they haven't said a word so I haven't either. I don't feel ready to tell them its like my secret and then there's the possibility that they could ruin it too.

When Friday finally came I couldn't contain my happiness. I managed to hide it from Phana and Kit so they would leave me alone and thankfully it worked. As usual I made my way to the coffee shop at five arriving fifteen minutes later. They already knew me here I was a regular.

"Hi Beam! Chocolate cake? Or you are trying something new today?" Asked the cashier.

"Today I'm in the mood for chocolate cake." I responded politely.

"Ok, so one chocolate cake and one iced coffee. That would be 7.35" said the cashier and I handed her my card. "I will take it to your usual table." She said and I smiled.

"Thank you." I replied sitting down. I looked around but he wasn't here. That's normal though he doesn't have a specific hour he arrives between 5:30 to 6:30. I munched on my cake and coffee happily while making reading my anatomy book. Thanks to being here mostly studying from 5 to 8 have really improved my grades. Phana better watch out because I'm coming for him. I was so engrossed on my studies that I didn't check for a while I looked around and he still wasn't here. He couldn't have come in while I was distracted he always stay until after I leave. I look at my phone and it was now 7:30. I sighed sadly maybe I shouldn't have sent him that cake. It seems like it brought bad luck. As I was picking up my things getting ready to leave I noticed the guy entering the coffee shop. As always he was in his uniform a blue engineering jacket with a white shirt underneath and some jeans. Unlike usual this time he didn't look at me which confirmed my thoughts that it was because of me. But how could he know that it was me who send it to him? Did he see me paying for it before walking out? I don't know. I should just leave so he won't suspect anymore if I stay he might know its because of me.

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