Everything I Got and Some Cherry Snot

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"We are really messed up aren't we?" I ask, trying not to chuckle.

"Not me, just you." He points at me. "I wasn't the one that compared Finn to a goddamn dog, Hails."

My opened mouth closes in indignation. "Fair," I mutter, picking at a piece of grass.

"It was nice to see you laugh, though." He murmurs, flicking my knee.

"Ow, you bimbo!" I shout, flicking him back twice as hard.

"Ouch! What the hell?" He flicks me back. "Why'd you just call me a bimbo?"

I flick him back even harder. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the group running back over to us because of the commotion.

"Because you radiate the energy of one!" I yell out, flicking his head.

At this point, we are standing and walking parallel to each other in a circle. "I do not!" He shouts, diving for me and flicking my arm.

"You dick!" I yell out flicking his head multiple times before stopping.

We're both cackling, which causes everyone else who was just smiling to start laughing too.

I turn around and see everyone either laughing or smiling, except Clarke. She's looking at me with a look that I can't decipher.

Maybe contempt? Sadness? Desire.


After Murphy and I made a scene, we actually started walking back to camp. After two hours of walking, we made it back.

Bellamy drops back to walk with me as we near the gates.

I reach over and grab his hand, needing the reminder that my dad can't control me anymore.

"I'm here, okay?" He murmurs into my ear. I nod, my apprehension to hold his hand pushing to the back of my mind.

If i'm this bad and he's this good, do i really want to change him just to call him mine?

The gate slowly opens and Clarke walks in first, then Finn, Octavia, Murphy, Bellamy, and then lastly, me.

As soon as I step foot inside, guards begin to strip me of my weapons, causing me to lash out. "Hey!" I yell out, ramming my fist into one of their faces. "That's my sword, dickhead!" I grab it back and unsheathe it, my senses lost.

Guns are pointed at me, but my brain is only focused on the fact that I can't trust anyone but myself.

"Hailey!" I hear a voice from my right.

Miloch comes into view. "You need to calm down." He holds his hands up as he approaches. "You need to give them your sword."

I shake my head. "No, I'm not doing that, Lock."

He sighs before ramming his fist into my nose, making my vision go blurry and my ears to ring. I feel him disarm me and catch my stumbling body.

"I'm sorry, Hails." He mutters, but I shove him off as the guards continue disarming me, but this time I don't stop them.

As the guards disperse, the crowd clears and my father comes into view.

"Still as disobedient as always." He murmurs, staring down at me.

Hot, blinding rage floods through me. I walk up to him and stand toe to toe with him, staring him down. "You," I jam my finger into his chest. "Choose those words to say to me after all this time?" I scoff, backing up. "You call me pathetic, but you, a father, can't even say that he's glad she's not dead after years of not seeing her."

"You are a disgrace, Hailey!" He yells at me, getting closer. "You got your mother killed." His voice gets louder. "You got your sister killed!" He takes a step closer. "And from what your friends have told me, you got your little friend, Elliot killed too." His voice lowers and I lose all self-control I ever had.

I slam my fists, one after the other into his face, not caring that the guards are nearby, not caring about anything anymore.

If he blames everything on me, so be it, but he cannot blame Elliot's death on me. I won't live through it if I actually believe it. I can't live knowing that it's my fault that Elliot is dead. I have to believe otherwise.

So that's why I throw everything I have at him.



hiiiii i'm on christmas break now :)

also if i don't post before christmas, happy early christmas :)

please eat and drink something,



BLUE | Bellamy BlakeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang