Chapter 15, Part 2

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“I know this must be a huge shock to see me like this after 3 years but I just wanted to say...

“Stop.” Louis interrupted.

“I know what you’re going to say and I don’t want to hear it.” 

“You’re about 5 years too late.” 

I was stood beside Louis, not knowing what to do. A few strangers near by had stopped and were watching, nosily, from a distance. I knew I shouldn’t get involved, but Louis clearly wanted nothing to do with him. He wanted him gone. But by the look of things, his dad wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.  I held his hand and comforted him the best I could. 

“Can’t you just let me explain.” His dad pleaded.

“Explain what dad!”

“Explain why you left us, or why you’re out of prison early.” Or maybe who that pregnant women is standing over there?!”

“I don’t care about whatever reason you may have for your failed relationship with this family. So why don’t you just focus on not messing up your new one.” “I hope to god your new child won’t have to have such a disappointment of a father as I did.” 

“I...I'm..” His dad stuttered.

“Just go!”

He didn’t move. So Louis unstrapped Aliah out of the trolley and placed her on the ground.  

“Stay next to me.” He said sharply. But Aliah hooked her arm around mine and hid her head in my trousers. I cuddled her close while Louis helped Emily out.

Emily tapped Louis' legs to get his attention. 

“What.” He grunted.

“Louis that IS daddy.” She said quietly.

His dad knelt down to her height and said “Hi Emily.” She cautiously stepped closer but Louis quickly grabbed hold of Emily’s hand, jerking her away from him. 

“Louis!” I gasped.

“I think you should go.” Mum finally said.

“This is between me and my son.” 

“Well, you’re son clearly doesn’t want to talk to you, so I suggest you leave before I call the police.” “With a history like yours, I doubt that would be a good situation for you to be in.” Mum threatened.

He stepped back, glaring angrily at mum. He looked at Louis one last time before turning away and leaving the way he came. I saw Louis’ whole body physically relax. His shoulders slumped and his fist unclenched. I slipped my hand in his, but he pulled it away. It felt like a sucker punch to the gut.

“Mary, can I wait in the car?” 

“Sure.” She handed him her car keys. He grabbed a few of the bags then left. We quickly finished up the rest of the packing.

 It was getting dark outside now and it was pouring with rain. In the carpark, customers were rushing to their vehicles, holding bags above their head for shelter. Most of them didn’t have a jacket with a hood, since earlier hadn't been as cold as it should be for this time of the year. 

 I felt an urge to go after him. I wanted to be with him.

“Honey...” Mum placed a hand on my shoulder. “He needs to be alone right now.” 

I nodded.

Mum bent down, so she was face to face with the two girls, who were stood  beside me. Their eyes were scanning the store warily. They looked a little shaken up.

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