Chapter 7, The incident

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My parents’ reaction was worse than I expected. They were so angry. I feel like that doesn’t even begin to explain the way everything kicked off at my house last night.
To give you a little bit of insight, mum has gone a bit insane. We are now all on house lockdown. This is her attempt to keep everyone’s whereabouts in check and make sure I don’t try to escape. Plus, I am grounded and not allowed to see Louis ‘until further notice’. Seriously, mum was starting to sound like our Priminister.
And this isn’t even the worst of it.
Flashback to yesterday evening.
It was Keign who happened to be the one to open the door for us.
“Rye, why would you bring him here?” he grunted.
“Hello to you too, Keign.”
Keign scowled Louis and Louis scowled at him back.
“We are here to tell mum and dad.”
 Keign’s face softened and he opened the door wider for us. “Oh.”
“Good luck, they’re in the kitchen.”

We walked in and I instantly regretted my decision. Mum and dad were cooking dinner together. Mum was chopping vegetables and making a salad, while dad stirred, what smelt like chicken, in the pot.
I gulped, cleared my throat then spoke. “Mum, Dad.”
They paused and turned to face me and Louis.
“This is Louis.”
“Hi.” He said, timidly.                     

“Oh, This must be the young man you have been sneaking off to see all summer.” Mum smiled and walked over to sit at the table.
“Nice to meet you.” Dad said, shaking his hand before sitting next to mum.
 I sat in one of the seats across the table from them and Louis sat beside me. “We need to talk to you both.”
“Okay.” Dad said, looking between us, warily.
“I'm........” The house was tensely quiet. Keign, mum and dad, all their eyes were glued on me while they waited for me to share the news. I still couldn’t decide if it was good or bad news, but I guess I’d find out after this.
“Come on, spit it out.” Mum said.

Louis sat calmly beside me and rubbed my thigh softly under the table.

“I’m pregnant.” I whispered.
“YOU’RE WHAT?!” Dad yelled, shooting up from his seat. His eyes were wide and shocked.
“Sit down honey, its obviously some sort of joke.”
“Well, no it’s not.” Louis said Politely.
“She is pregnant and I’m the father.”
If looks could kill, oh my gosh! we would have been dead right there and then.
“When Rye?” Mum was still calm, but I could feel that she was gradually getting close to the point where she was going to lose it.
“Um....I think it was.....”
“WHEN. RYE?!” Mum raised her voice, making us both jump.                                                      
Dad was pacing back and forth between the kitchen and the table, taking deep breaths, his eyes burning with rage.
“Lilah’s party!” I yelled in a panic.
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” mum said infuriated, leaving the table.
Louis was just sitting there next to me in complete silence, bouncing his leg frantically under the table.
At this point, dad went ballistic.
“At THAT party! The one that you promised you’d stay out of trouble in!”
“And don’t think you have nothing to do with this young man!” Dad pointed a shaky finger directly at Keign, who was sat observing from the sofa.
“Me?!” Keign said.
“YOU were meant to watch her.”
“Where were you all night?”
“I.....I.” Keign stuttered.
“WHERE WERE YOU WHEN THIS BOY IMPREGNATED YOUR FUCKING SISTER?” Dad boomed, grabbing Keign by the front of his grey jumper.
“I was in the pool!” Keign looked absolutely terrified.
I didn’t know what to do. Should I go over there and help him? Or should I sit and stay quiet? I was terrified and I think Louis was too, even though he seemed to be keeping a straight face. We were both still gripping each other’s , now clammy, hands. My heart was racing rapidly in my chest. Dad had never acted like this before. In the mist of panic, I just blurted out. “LET GO OF HIM, DAD!”
Dad shot a cold glare at me from across the room . “You better shut your goddamn mouth young lady!”
Louis let go of my hand, clenching his hand in a tight fist. I looked up at him and noticed his eyes had turned dark. I’d hadn’t seen this side of him before. Louis jumped up and out of his seat in rage. “Don’t talk to her like that!” He yelled.
Dad slowly released his grip on Keign and turned directly to Louis. Keign took the chance he had and stepped as far away from dad as possible, while dad glared daggers at Louis. The house fell eerily quiet, it felt like if anyone moved it would instantly collapse. Mum was stood, frozen by the fridge and even she didn’t say a word.
“What did you say to me?” Dad growled. His voice low and serious.
“I said.” Louis stalked up to my dad. “Don’t talk to her like that.”
“Louis, no!” I grunted in a hushed tone, reaching out to grab his wrist. But I missed. He was too far away.
“You better watch your tongue young man.” Dad sized himself up to Louis.  He was 5 foot 10 and buff making Louis, being 5 foot 7 and slim, look small beside him.
“YOU, better watch how you speak to my girlfriend.” Louis’ hands were still tightly clenched in a fist. You could see his veins pulsing in his neck and his knuckles were turning bright pink.
Dad looked down and smirked at Louis. Like a tiger ready to pounce on its prey.
“Say another word and you will never step foot near her ever again.” Dad whispered poking his finger forcefully in his chest.
“I’m not scared of you and you can NOT stop me from seeing Rye or my children.”
That was it. Dad swung back his fist, thumping Louis straight in the mouth. He pounded him hard. We all heard it as his fist connected with Louis' face , I bet the neighbours could have heard it.

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