Chapter 10, Movie night

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The following day at the Parker House.
Dad’s been home now for 3 days and everyone is acting like nothing has happened. That he didn’t get let of a police cell almost 72 hours ago. That he didn’t physically assault my boyfriend.
I could hear them -mum, Jordan and dad- downstairs in the living room. The low, distant muffle of ‘Friends' playing in the background while they ask Jordan about how his life in Colorado has been these last few months(For about the 600th time). They had been constantly pestering Jordan about his girlfriend, trying to find out EVERYTHING about her. I was cringing listening to it from all the way upstairs. I feel bad for Jordan. Especially since he’s been thrown right in the middle of our chaos. With dad.
Since he arrived, mum and dad have been trying to act like we’re a normal, happy family. It’s so annoying. Although I couldn’t blame Jordan for acting like nothing happened. Because to him, nothing did.  He wasn’t there when it all kicked off last week, but unlike mum, I’m not forgiving dad that easily and I absolutely will not forget it either.
Ignoring Dad seemed like the better option for me right now. That moment when I opened the door and Dad proceeded to act like everything was alright between us, I’ve been pressing rewind on that memory ever since. Every time I do, the rage inside me builds exactly like it did when it happened.  Like an internal time machine throwing me back to Wednesday. The anger felt fresh, as if it had just occurred a few seconds ago.
Keign and I seemed to be on roughly the same page. I don’t know if it’s just the ‘Twin thing’ or if he had his own reasons why he wasn’t talking to dad, but he hadn’t left his room for the past three days. He’s been uncharacteristically quiet and hasn’t really spoken to anyone,  to be honest.
 I decided this might be a good time to check on him, so I got up and knocked twice on his door.
  No answer.
“Keign, its me, can I come in?”
  Still no answer. I was contemplating whether I should go in anyway, when the perfect idea popped into my mind.
   “I know what will cheer you up.”
   I dashed back into my room and grabbed my phone to text one of my favourite people.
-Keign’s in a weird funk, wanna help me cheer him up?
Sure, what do you have in mind?

-Meet me at the end of my road in 5 minutes. We’ll discuss it then.

Roger that captain Rye. Should I bring Thing 2?

-Yep, bring your partner in crime,  we’ll need all the help we can get.
Quickly, I rushed downstairs to put my shoes on.

All thanks to Jordan, house lockdown was over. He managed to bring mum back to her senses. Jordan must of used some magical charm or something because mum is hard to convince, even on a good day.

Nevertheless, I’m grateful; this plan I had to cheer up Keign was gonna be Awesome.
“Mum I’m going out!”
Mum was in the kitchen making a salad.
“And can my friends come over?”

“Okay, but make sure your homework is....

“Already done.” This was typical protocol, I could recite mum’s words in my sleep.
“Room tidy?”
 “Vacuumed and organised.”
“Alright then you’re free to do whatever, SENSIBLY. She said, pointing a cucumber at me.

“Gotcha, oh and can you tell Keign to meet me in the cave in an hour?”
“Sure.” She continued, chopping the vegetables.
 “Thanks mum.”
  As I got to the end of my front lawn, I noticed a familiar Red convertible, parked behind my mum’s car. I strolled down the side walk and leaned my arm on the car door.
 “Long time no see.”
“You. In the drivers seat? I’m surprised you two made it here in one piece.” I said.
 “Ouch.” He held his chest dramatically.
“Well, dad let him drive only cos you live literally 5 minutes away from our house.”
“Aww, I missed my favourite twins.” I grabbed them both and pulled them into a hug.

A different feeling Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora