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SeungMin's POV

Is that really what was bothering him? No matter how long I've spent thinking about it, I can't help but feel like there's more. It just seems so pointless to me. I don't get why he's so worried about the others having sex more than we do. If he wants it—he just has to ask. I'd be more than willing in most cases.

I groan and toss my head back against the couch. Chan turns to look back at me confused as to why I'm so frustrated. He spins around in his chair to face me—leaving his work behind.

"What's wrong?" Chan reaches out to pat my thigh.

"Nothing—it's just—it's JeongIn." I sigh and give in to him. He's not going to tell anyone. If anything—he'll help me figure it out.

"What about JeongIn? He's not hurt or something—is he?" Chan suddenly grows more concerned at the idea of something being wrong with him.

"He's fine—he's not hurt—he's just—he's worried about our relationship." I admit as I lower my head.

"What about it is worrying him? You guys didn't fight or something did you? You seemed fine to me until this morning. He seemed a little off all day." Chan gets up out of his desk chair and falls down next to me.

"No—we didn't fight—it's just—he thinks we're doing something wrong because you guys have sex more than us. He's worried that our relationship isn't healthy because of it. I don't know if he's saying he wants to have sex more of if he's worried that I'm upset because we don't have sex more. I don't know where it came from either. It was random and unexpected." I let it all out in hopes that he can help me in someway or another.

"Just sit down with him and ask him. Ask him if he wants to have sex more often and tell him how you feel about having sex. That's all you need to do. He's not used to relationships and seeing us all handling them differently probably has him confused. If you can't figure it out together—if he's comfortable with me talking it over with you guys—I can—but only if he's okay with it. I don't want to step over any boundaries." Chan offers without hesitation.

"Yeah—I just—I don't know when to talk to him. I don't want the others coming in and out of the room while we're doing it." I groan as I lean my head back and shut my eyes.

"Call him. I'll go find HyunJin. You guys can talk in here. You can lock the door and no one will bother you. The most that'll happen is JiSung or ChangBin come looking for me, but the moment they notice it's locked they'll leave." Chan offers up his space for us.

"Channie—you don't have to. We'll figure it out." I shake my head and turn him down, but not quick enough. I open my eyes to see his phone pressed to his ear—he called JeongIn.

"Hey, Innie. Do you think you can come to my studio?" Chan draws JeongIn in as if he's the one who wants to talk to him.

I can't hear JeongIn's response, but I assume he's on his way. If Chan asks for us, we all oblige. If he needs us it's almost always something important. He wouldn't call us just to waste our time.

"There—Innie is on his way. Once he gets here—lock the door. I'll text Bin and Sung and tell them I'm going to see Jinnie. That way they won't come looking for me. Take your time and figure it all out. If things escalate—top drawer." Chan nods toward his desk and I roll my eyes. Does he honestly think JeongIn and I would have sex in his studio?

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