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JeongIn's POV

I sit on Chan's bed and stare up at SeungMin. I'm too anxious to climb up with him. He seemed upset—maybe even annoyed when he left the group meeting. I don't want to add to it. He sighs and looks down at me.

"What, Innie? Why are you down there? You can come up." SeungMin pats the bed next to him and I hesitantly get to my feet. I slowly climb up the ladder and sit beside him.

"Wanna watch a movie with me?" SeungMin mumbles as he lays down. I follow his lead and settle in beside him. I nod and he adjusts his blanket so it's covering me, too.

"Here." SeungMin hands me one of his AirPods and I put it in my ear.

"What do you want to watch, Innie?" SeungMin questions as he glances over at me.

"I don't care. Anything works for me." I rest my head on his chest and watch as scrolls through Netflix on his laptop.

"We should talk, Innie." SeungMin suddenly shifts the conversation. He sighs and closes his laptop as he reaches up to place his hand on my cheek.

"About?" I try to act innocent. I try to seem like I don't understand what he's talking about—but I'm well aware what he wants to talk about.

"What are we really, Innie? Are we just having sex because we have no one else to do it with? Do you like me? I don't even know if I like you like that—I'm confused. We haven't actually talked about anything that happened—at least not in depth." SeungMin sighs as he tries to connect his thoughts in his head.

"I don't know. I think I like you. Isn't that enough?" I tilt my head back a bit to look up at him. He frowns and gently brushes my bangs from my eyes.

"Is it though, Innie? Is it enough to just like someone? We didn't even go through the whole 'like' phase—we jumped right into the 'sex' phase without floaties or life jackets. What happened to the 'love' phase? Isn't that supposed to come first?" SeungMin
rambles as he tries to make sense of his thoughts out loud. I look at him completely baffled.

"Do you know what MinHo Hyung told me last night before you came to get me?" SeungMin mumbles as he brings himself back down from his tangent.

"No—was it bad?" I hesitate as SeungMin shifts a bit beneath me.

"No—it wasn't bad, Innie—it was—it was different—in a good way I think. He made me step back and reevaluate us. He told me I had to appreciate and embrace the little things—kinda like this—you laying with me—I like it. It feels nice. It makes me feel warm inside. I don't want to skip this and just depend on sex." SeungMin explains casually as he leans in to press his lips to my forehead.

"I like this a lot, Minnie Hyung." I whisper as I close my eyes and cuddle up closer to him.

I place my hand on his chest and allow my fingertips to wander across it. The thin fabric beneath them hinders my ability to feel his warmth, but I can still feel the gentle dips and grooves of his body. It's calming in so many ways.

"Let's do this more—just the little things. We used to do this kind of thing all the time—all of us. Then things got busy and then they got sloppy—then we had sex—let's go back to it. The innocent stage of our career—we were all so curious and anxious that we'd make a mistake that we always leaned on one another to help us get through. I miss it." SeungMin admits as he reminisces about the old times.

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