72. The Calm Before The Storm

Start from the beginning

"Hey, party animal," Maddie heard Ella call out as she walked out of the main doors from the apartment where her friend was waiting for her so they could walk to school together.

"Oh, you're hilarious, not," The blonde said as she rolled her eyes.

Ella let out a laugh at the girl, "How's life bein' grounded treating you?" she teased.

"It totally sucks. I tried to get my mom to let me off being grounded already but she's totally not budgin' at all," Maddie told her friend as they started to walk to school.

"How long are you grounded for again?" Ella wondered.

"3 weeks total," Maddie mumbled as she shoved her hands in her pockets. "It has to be the longest painful 3 weeks of my life," she added.

Ella couldn't help but laugh and shake her head, "That sucks that you can't come to the party this weekend," she said.

"Yeah, no thanks, that didn't exactly go over so well last time," Maddie told her sarcastically and smirked at her best friend. "I'm not adding extra time to my sentence," she chuckled.

"You make it sound like you're in prison," Ella remarked amusedly.

"Well, it feels that way sometimes. No TV, no phone, I'm not allowed out with friends. It all completely sucks," Maddie complained as they rounded the corner. "At least my door's been put back on now," she said.

"Hey, Aaron's been askin' about you a lot, you know?" Ella said as she teased the blonde teen.

Maddie inwardly groaned, "I did text him but then my mom's took my phone so he's gonna think that I'm ignoring him now," she said as she let out a huff. "He seems cool though," she said as she smiled.

"I think that he likes you too," Ella said as she grinned.

"Really?" Maddie asked surprised.

Ella nodded in agreement, "Yep. He's forever askin' about you, Mads," she told her.

Maddie couldn't help but smile hearing that, "I wish that I could text him then but I can't do that until I get my phone back," she said as she sighed. "Oh well, only another 2 weeks to go, I guess," she muttered.

"Hey," Carina walked into the bedroom after she had finished a long, gruelling shift at the hospital. Today just seemed to be the day that a lot of mamas decided to go into labour, despite the fact that she was exhausted, she was relieved from the distraction of home life.

It had been almost a week since Maddie was grounded and both women would agree that every day since had been a constant tedious battle with a rebellious teenager.

Maya turned her attention from digging through her chest of drawers and smiled at her wife.

"Um, you're off shift Friday, yes? I made the reservation at the Burmese restaurant with..." Carina's words were cut off as Maya started walking towards her while she did a small strip-tease with her dressing gown. "Ah, ah, ah, no," she insisted.

"My shift doesn't start for half an hour," Maya teased her wife as she continued to flash her naked flesh in front of the brunette woman.

"Okay, I don't have time to get sweaty now. I'm meeting Jack," Carina protested despite how much she really wanted intimacy with her wife right now.

"Oh, Jack can wait," Maya continued to move further toward her wife. "Jack is patient. Jack is way less fun than your wife," she told her.

Carina placed her hand over her wife's mouth amusedly, "You need to stop saying Jack's name while you're naked," she said as she let out a laugh. "Yeah?" she said as she pressed her lips against her wife's.

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