13. babysitter

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"Thank you for not forgetting the shells this time" Jenelle joked as we walked into the house with grocery bags. I placed the few bags that I had on the kitchen counter. My dad usually carried the bags inside, but I held the bread and eggs up in the front with me, so I brought them inside.

Jenelle started preparing some of the food already. Her parents were supposed to come over tomorrow to help finish up. Jenelle's mom was Cambodian, so she prepared the turkey a bit different than what I was used to.

Not wanting to get sucked into cooking, I walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs into Siena's room. She was asleep in her crib. She didn't have much hair, but she was super cute. Her legs were really chubby so she had a lot rolls. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. When I walked out of her room, I took it out to see who was calling.


I smiled. I answered the phone and there he was. I missed him. We hadn't talked much, but I didn't complain. I knew that he missed his family.

"Wassup baby" he answered. He had no shirt on and he laid in his bed, as if he just woke up.

"I miss you."

"I miss you more, mama. I love it out here though, man. Sometimes, I wanna come back."

I frowned a little, but didn't respond. We sat in a brief silence as I walked into my bathroom and sat him up on the counter.

"My granny wanna meet you."

My eyes widened. "What? Why?"

"Because I told her about you. She said I need to bring you out here when I come back in December."

Internally, I was flattered. I just didn't know how to express that. More than that, I was nervous. He hasn't even met my parents. We've only known each other for three months.

"I think I might be going to Michigan."

"We'll figure it out. What you been up to?"

"Spending time with my parents and Siena. Wanna see her" I excitedly asked. I love Siena. He laughed at my excitement and agreed. "You gotta be quiet though. She's still asleep."

I walked out of my room and down the hall to hers, gently opening the door so that I wouldn't wake her. "This is what her room looks like" I said panning around the beach themed room that my parents designed for her. "And here's my baby." I showed him her in her crib and she stirred around a little bit, so I quickly left her room. I didn't want to change a diaper. "I want one."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Don't play, Kiari, because I'll make it happen."

"Anyways" I laughed, rolling my eyes. I went back into my room. We talked for a little while longer, before I heard Jenelle come to the door.

"Kiari, do you mind watching Siena? I have to run to the store really quickly and your dad is out with his friends somewhere."

I agreed. "Thank you. She just woke up, but I already changed her and fed her so she should be fine."

I nodded as she placed Siena next to me on my bed. She left out, closing my door behind her. "Look, Devin, she's awake. Look at her" I cooed. I propped the phone up on my side table as Devin watched me interact with my new little sister.

I noticed him taking photos, but I didn't say anything. His niece came into his room, so he had to go. Once we ended the call, I decided to call my little brother, since I missed him the most. He had an iPad that I used to FaceTime him.

"Hey, Yari" he picked up smiling and sweating.

"Ew why are you sweating?"

"I was wrestling with Tyrus."

"Oh, he's over?" Tyrus is our neighbor. He was a really annoying kid, to be quite honest. Micah nodded. "You can call me later."

He hung up, leaving me with nothing to do. I put Siena on my chest and just began to pat her back, while I watched TikTok videos.

I found myself dozing off after scrolling on TikTok for what felt like hours. I looked at the clock on my nightstand after I placed Siena back down on my bed. 10:43.

My dad and Jenelle had been gone for hours at this point and it made me worry a bit. I didn't want to leave Siena unattended in my bed, so I carried her downstairs with me. I got myself a bag of chips and a Lipton tea from the fridge, before placing Siena on the couch surrounded by pillows. I sat next to her and turned on P Valley. Aubrey and I usually watched it together, but I was a bit behind.

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