9. what you want

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The steamy hot shower water coated my skin, washing away the Dove body wash, making sure to not get my hair wet. I removed the knotless braids last week and Aubrey helped me install this new wig, so I didn't want to tamper with it, especially since Aubrey was gone for the weekend.

After turning the water off, I stepped out of the shower and tied the towel around my chest. The bathroom was foggy, but I knew that I forgot all of my things. I groaned, opening the bathroom door that connected to the room.

Devin turned around in his gaming chair, diverting his attention to me. "Come on, Kiari" he groaned.

"I forgot my stuff" I shrugged. I left my bag in front of his television stand, so the only way to retrieve it was by stepping in front of him.

He took off the headset, still staring at me. "Why you doing this to me" he asked, pulling me closer by my waist then staring into my eyes. The only things between us were this towel and his shorts. At any given moment, he could have me in the worst ways. I won't mind.

"Doing what" I asked innocently, as I turned to walk away. He caught my wrist, keeping me in place. He stood up to kiss me, and the moment our lips touched, there was a knock on the door. He groaned before going to open it just enough for his head to stick out.

While he talked to Colin, their other roommate, I went back into the bathroom to prepare myself for the night.

I stayed the night here last night after we went to eat and we decided that I would stay tonight, too. I was afraid to stay in the dorm alone, so Devin brought me here. Initially, we were going to sleep in my room, but somehow we ended up here.

Once I exited the bathroom after completing my night skin care, Devin sat on the bed. He was on a FaceTime call with someone. A girl.

He and I never actually discussed the Javi situation. After my birthday, we just moved on like nothing happened. We also never discussed his exes, but I know that they're there.

"Are you going to New York for Thanksgiving" the girl asked.


His responses were solemn. She seemed excited to talk to him, though.

"You should let me come."

Her response caught my attention. I stopped in my tracks. Devin and I weren't officially together, so not very many people knew that we even knew one another. I shouldn't have been upset with her, but I was.

Devin looked at me. "Aye, let me call you back."

"Oh shit. You must got a girl now? I know that tone" the girl laughed. I wasn't amused in the slightest. He hung up the phone, looking back to me. I just sat in his gaming chair and began to scroll on TikTok.

"She tripping. What you tryna get into tonight" he asked, standing up. I don't get why he wants to brush this off, but when Javi called me it was a huge scandal.

After noticing my body language, he groaned. "Come on, love."

"Who is she" I asked looking up at him.

"A friend."

A friend.

"A friend?"

"Yes, Kiari. A friend. We used to chill together last year."


"You had sex with her?"

"Kiari" he called staring at me blankly. That was all the answer I needed. "If I'm with you everyday, why you worried about some old shit?"

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