10. slight obstruction

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"Don't forget, your discussion board is due Friday and the essay is due Sunday night. Have a great weekend, everyone."

I gathered my things, along with the rest of the class, and began to exit the building. As much as I wanted to learn about legal matters, I've grown to hate my political science class.

I don't know anyone in the class, besides Blair, the girl who sits beside me. We always have to write papers, which doesn't thrill me much either.

"You're Kiari, right" I heard someone call from behind me, as I reached the staircase going towards the exit.


"I'm Damon. I'm in your political science class" he smiled. He reminded me of Javi in a way.

I smiled back. "Nice to meet you, Damon."

"Did you get anyone to proofread your paper yet" he asked, as we continued to walk.

"Um, no. Not yet. I was probably going to see if Blair could do it for me."

"Well, I can do it for you. I don't have anyone to read mine either" he chuckled. It was cute.

"Yeah, that works" I nodded.

"Um, can I get your number or something? That way I can send it to you and stuff."

"Yeah, for sure" I smiled lightly. We reached the exit doors and he handed me his phone. I typed my name and number into his phone, leaving him to save it as he pleased. "Well, I've got to run a few errands, but thank you so much. See you later, Damon."

I smiled at him as I walked away and he waved, going in the opposite direction. I was going to sit in the library to study with Aubrey and our friends, Zoë and Brooke. They lived on our floor in the dorm hall.

Once I made it there, after climbing so many stairs, I found the study room that we reserved. The four of us were completely different majors, but we enjoyed studying together for some reason. Zoë was a nursing major and Brooke, a theatre major.

"Hola" I greeted, as I walked into the room. They were already there because they didn't have class around this time.

"Hey" they all said, simultaneously. "I didn't get you any fries, since they were gonna be cold. I just got chips instead."

Brooke handed me the bag of food that they got for me. I thanked her as I sat down.

"I feel like every time we say we're studying together, we don't actually get any work done" Brooke said, amidst our conversation about turkey bacon.

"No, bitch. You don't get work done because you always say you don't have any" Aubrey said, with Zoë in agreement.

"That's because you guys never want to run my lines with me."

I turned to look at her, since I always run lines with her. I know her monologues better than she does.

"Except Yari. She always runs lines with me."

Yari is the name that Micah came up with a long time ago. Brooke heard him call me that once, and she's called me that ever since.

I laughed at their bickering, shaking my head a little. I began to type on my laptop, looking for Christmas gifts for my family.

"I'm so excited for Thanksgiving. My grandma is cooking" Zoë said, randomly.

"My grandma is too. I hope she makes some yams" Aubrey said, gaining oo's from the girls.

"My granny just usually comes to my house because my mom and aunt cook" Brooke stated. "What about you Kiari?"

"Um, I don't know. I'm spending Thanksgiving with my dad and Jenelle this year, so it's weird. Micah won't be there, but the baby will, so" I shrugged.

Jenelle had the baby on October 2nd, so she was still fairly new. I hadn't been home to see her, but I will next week for Thanksgiving. I just really wanted Micah to come. We always spent holidays together.

About two hours later, Brooke, Aubrey, and I got up to leave our pod. Zoë left before us because she had a class. Once we made it to our dorm, we went to sit in Brooke's room. Her and Zoë were roommates, but they also had two others. The other two girls weren't there often, but from the interactions that I've had with them, they seem to be nice. While we were watching YouTube videos, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

jackass 🤎

my dorm.

jackass 🤎

Devin and I had been doing well. It's only been about two months, so I would hope so. I began to put my phone into my backpack and wait for Devin when I received another message.

unknown number
Hey it's Damon. Can you talk?

Kiari Douglas
sure. what's up?

I saw your corrections on my essay but I don't get it lol

Kiari Douglas
lmaoo what was confusing?

Like i don't understand some of the things you said to change. Can I call you in like 30

Kiari Douglas
um yeah. that's fine.

I don't know. Devin could be here in thirty minutes, and I would hate to stir the pot again. I put my phone in my lap, continuing to watch the video with my friends. After about two more videos, Devin called, saying he was outside. I went down to let him in, and we went to my room.

Once we got into my room, he kissed me. We didn't like public displays of affection. Or at least I don't. Devin had been working so much, that we hadn't seen each other much.

"I missed you" he whispered into my neck.

"I missed you" I said in a sing-song tone. I did miss him. We usually saw each other often. Thanksgiving break is going to be horrid.

We laid in my bed, in silence, his arms wrapped around me with his head on my chest. I rubbed his waves as I scrolled through TikTok. "Put your phone down and talk to me, Kiari."

He had gotten to a point where he would only call me Kiari if he was serious. I sat my phone down beside me on my bed. "What do you want to talk about, Devin?"

"Anything, Elaine." He looked up into my eyes, kissing my lips again.

"What's your middle name? You always call me Elaine, but whenever I ask your middle name, you ignore me."


"That's so cute. Devin Cairo Reed."

"Come on, Kiari" he groaned, gaining a laugh from me.

My phone sounded, alerting me of a text. As soon as I turned it over to read it, it began to ring from a FaceTime call.

"Damon" Devin questioned. "Don't start this shit again, Kiari."

Ignoring him, I answered the call.

"Hey, my bad" Damon said as I answered. I opened my laptop, while still sitting in my bed, Devin still behind me. We began going over our assignment together. After about 15 minutes, we wrapped up, sending each other the final drafts.

"Thank you, Kiari."

"Yeah, no problem" I smiled. I could hear Devin mumbling behind me.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to take you out sometime. Just as a thank you."

I felt Devin sit up behind me.

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