15. cvs

34 3 0

I woke up to Devin beside me in my full sized bed. He stayed the night last night because we were up studying for finals. Truthfully, I was studying and he was just there.

I checked my digital wall clock.


I needed to start getting ready for my 10 a.m. class, considering this would be the last class of the semester. He was giving us a study guide and the rest of the week off to prepare for finals. It's just a college prep class, so his study guide was just tips on how to study. I could skip it and lay with Devin a bit longer, but I really need the tips.

I glanced over at the clock on my wall to check the time, since I knew I was running late. I leaned over my bed to kiss Devin before leaving.

"Where you going" he said with his eyes still closed, placing his hand on my waist.

"To class."

"Why? That class is bullshit anyway" he mumbled. I rolled my eyes.

"Devin, I need the tips."

"Kiari, no you don't. Get back in the bed."

I wanted so badly to resist, but I folded.

"You better hope someone sends the guide in the fucking group me."

I took my jeans and jacket off because my next class wasn't until 2. I climbed over him to get back in my spot by the wall. He threw the blanket over me and began rubbing my butt.

"This is more like it" he mumbled into my neck, kissing me. I just rolled my eyes, before closing them. He began to kiss down my collarbone.

"Devin, you're supposed to be asleep" I giggled.

"15 minutes, Kiari. Aubrey not even here."

"Devin" I moaned out. He moved his hand down my body, sliding his fingers into my panties, before inserting them into me. "Fuck."

He pulled his fingers out before pulling his shorts down and inserting himself. "Fuck, Kiari. I love you so much." About 10 minutes later, we collapsed.

"Devin, we can't keep doing this."

"Doing what, mama?"

"This. No condom."

He sat up. "I thought you were on birth control."

"I am, but some people still get pregnant on birth control" I sighed.

"Fuck" he whispered. "You want me to go get a Plan B?"

"Yeah. We can't keep doing that either, though. I found out that they stop working after you take so many."

"Well, we won't be the ones they don't work for."

I rolled my eyes and laid back down. He got up and grabbed towels so we could take a shower. "Devin."

"Yeah, mama?"

"I love you more."

He smiled and we got up to take a shower. When we finished, we both got dressed to head to the CVS down the road. When we got in the car, glad that he didn't get another parking ticket, he plugged his phone up to the aux. I just scrolled through TikTok as Young Thug played through his stereo.

"Aye, Kiari" he turned down the music, keeping his eyes on the road. I redirected my eyes toward him so that he knew he had my attention. "Why we doing this? I thought you wanted a baby."

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "What?"

"When I was in New York, you told me on the phone 'I want a baby'. So, why we getting a Plan B?"

"Devin, I was joking."

"What if I wanted a baby?"

"Right idea, wrong bitch."

He pulled into the parking lot and found a spot and stared at me. "Nah, I want it to be your baby."

"Get out and get my shit" I said looking back down at my TikToks.

aubs 💘
wya hoe

bby mama ki
with my man.

aubs 💘
which one is that? the one that's in your class

bby mama ki
bitch. what do you want?

aubs 💘
just tryna make sure y'all not fornicating

I realized Devin left his phone once it started ringing. I didn't pick it up, but the caller ID appeared on his Apple CarPlay. Aria.

I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion. I never went through Devin's phone because I trust him. The call stopped ringing and he began walking to the car.

Devin opened the car door and gave me the bag. "You hungry?"

I nodded and he went to the Subway across the street.

We went and ordered our sandwiches, before finding a seat in the corner of the restaurant. I looked up at Devin wondering why he wasn't speaking anymore. It felt like his energy shifted.

"What's wrong?"


I stared at him, knowing that something was bothering him.


"Nothing is wrong, mama."

"So why aren't you talking anymore?" My question received a groan. I knew he didn't want to talk about whatever was bothering him, but who the hell is Aria?

We finished our food and headed towards the car, so he could take me back to campus. I sat back and put my seatbelt on, but I didn't pick up my phone. I just stared out of the window conflicted.

I wanted to ask, but I like when we aren't arguing. I also wanted to ask Aubrey if she knew the girl, but Aubrey would start to hate Devin.

He parked in front of the entrance to my dorm and I grabbed the bag to get out.

"Damn, I don't get a goodbye? A hug, a kiss?"

I didn't want to be touched by him because who the hell is Aria?


I closed the door and walked into the dorm taking the elevator to my floor. I decided to put it off until after finals. It would probably eat me up inside, but I didn't want it to disturb him.

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