dream?; jack manifold

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surprise oneshot since i didn't post anything last weekend ): sorry been really sick and sad lately
prompt: y/n and jack fivure out who killed dream
request: yes
pronouns: he/him
**mostly based on jack's recent video, changed people being interviewed though !!**

"guys, dream is dead!" jack exclaimed to the camera, as y/n held back his laugh.

"oh no!" he mock exclaimed and jack kept talking.

"y/n and i are gonna figure out who killed dream! we're gonna search the scene for clues and interview two people!"

y/n looked down at the body, and jack crouched beside the green blob. "there's a footprint! too bad it matches both suspects' shoes," jack spoke after a minute of silence.

"jack, there's a dent in one of the pairs that matches perfectly."

"oh. anyway, let's interview the people."

the pair walked over to a table in the corner of the room where tommy was sat.

"tommy, did you kill dream?" jack began.

"fuck no."

"tommy, what was you doing yesterday?"

"dream and I was arguing over who gets to hang out with gogy. I needed George for the views!" Tommy answered loudly as y/n wrote it down.

"so your motivation for killing dream was George?" y/n asked after a minute of silence.

"NO! I left and I took George with me! George wanted to hang out with me because im cool!"

jack and y/n laughed as Tommy mocked his anger.

then they interviewed sapnap.

"where were you last night?"

"jack, y/n. I was with dream, but hear me out. it was before Tommy arrived. I left because dream was going to make me pay rent after beating his ass at mcc."

y/n glared, "Tommy didn't say anything about you."

"I left before I saw him. its Tommy, dude."

jack and y/n glanced at each other before leaving to find more clues.

that was when they found something weird.

"wait, didn't Tommy said George was here?"

"yeah... why?"

"because George's glasses have blood on them," y/n exclaimed as he showed jack.

jack gasped as he looked it over.

soon enough, George was sat across from them.

"what were you doing last night?"

"hanging with Tommy. why?"

"why did you hang with Tommy instead of your boyfriend?" y/n asked as George's face paled.


"plus you would never say that Tommy is cooler than dream. everyone knows that's not true!" jack exclaimed as Tommy shouted "hey!" in the background.

"because I was jealous! he've been hanging out with sapnap too much! I didn't mean to hurt him! I just pushed him and he fell, hit his head on the corner of the table, and passed out. I panicked and hung out with Tommy!"

jack 'arrested' George as y/n spoke to the camera.

"guess the pretty privilege doesn't always work."


enjoy this cringe chapter since the next two gonna be a bit of angst !! ((:

have a good day/ night! eat some food and drink some water if you haven't!

love you guys <33

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