dyed hair; technoblade

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request: yes

prompt: techno and the reader dyes each other's hairs

pronouns: they/them

"I got the hair dye!" y/n exclaimed as they bursted through the door. techno jumped in surprise before standing up to greet his partner.

"oh, cool," he said in his usual monotone voice. he grabbed the bag and searched through it. "oh, you're doing white and pink?" he asked.

"yeah! i always wanted that color combo, plus it would be cool with your black and pink hair!" y/n grinned as they grabbed towels from the closet in the hallway.

techno shrugged, "you would look cute with it." he went to their shared room to grab two random shirt and handed one to the other before changing his shirt.

y/n also changed their shirt and ran to the bathroom to set up the supplies. techno met them, and they started to explain what they needed to do.

"you're lucky you already have pink hair, so you don't need to bleach your hair. i do, so you'll put bleach all over my hair," y/n said, pointing at the bleach. techno nodded, and started the process of bleaching their hair.

after 20 minutes of applying bleach, y/n read the directions. "i have to leave it on for about 30 minutes, we can get started with your hair now, babe."

techno smiled slightly, "okay." he took a seat on the toilet, and y/n sectioned his hair into two sections. they applied black dye to one half, leaving the other pink. after like 15 minutes of applying, y/n stepped back and looked at the paper. "you'll have to wait 25 minutes. want to watch tiktok while we wait the remaining 15 minutes for my bleaching?"

techno nodded, and the two sat at the edge of the bathtub, watching tiktoks.

the timer rang out, causing the two to jump, and y/n turned on the water, allowing techno to wash out the bleach. then while they waited for their hair to dry, they went ahead and wash out the black dye for techno as well. after washing techno's hair, techno started applying white dye over one half of y/n hair while y/n applied pink dye on the other half. this took them 15 minutes to apply, and they would have to wait 35 minutes.

to waste the time, y/n decided to blow dry techno's hair, and when it was finally dry, y/n stared at techno in shock.

he was fucking hot.

techno stared at himself in the mirror, "oh. this is a change, i like it."

"like it? it's fucking hot on you!" they replied, and techno smirked.

"i see someone like it," he said, pulling the other closer.

the two kissed, and before they knew it, the timer rang.

y/n went ahead to wash their hair and blow dried it.

this time, it was techno's turn to stare at them in shock.

"forget me being hot, it's you this time. you're so hot, how did i even end up dating you?" he asked as y/n blushed.

"stop! anyway let's take some cringe coupley pictures!"

techno rolled his eyes, but he secretly smiled. he fucking love them.

-518 words-

i really want black and pink hair ): too bad im too ugly for that shi-

but this was a really cute prompt! i loved writing this! :D

also double update to make up for the short one shot i posted of awesamdude and ponk 💓

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