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i just started a new job, and now i work monday to friday, so i'm thinking about uploading two oneshots every weekends

i really need to set a sheducle so how you guys feel about two oneshots, either two saturday's or one saturday and one sunday? you can vote on it !! your opinions matter to me

comment here if you want two on saturday's

comment here if you want one on saturday and one on sunday

i'm working on two one shots atm and they will be out saturday (and sunday, if you guys prefer one a day)

also how would you guys feel if i add more trans content and age recuession (i cant spell ;_;) bc i've been reading those lately and they kinda insprieed me a bit ! so if you guys want those, pls comment ideas ((:

thank you if you still read this book! you guys have no idea how much i appreciate you guys and your comments <33

i love you guys <33

have a great day/night eat some food and drink some water mwah

(also one oneshot tonight bc i love you guys that much! look forward to it after i edit it <33)

✨mcyt oneshots✨जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें