True Magics

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1st True Magic - Denial of Nothingness 

Domain - Creation 

User - None             

Shirou Emiya Von Einzbern(Future)

What this True Magic does is to create anything in existence, if the user wants to have a weapon then they can have it, appliances, runes, new mage-craft, money or anything at all, in fact the user can even make Od or Mana whenever they want or just create a direct pathway towards the Magical Stream(The Base of all Magical Energy and can be said to be in the center of the Multiverse), making the user to have Infinite or Unlimited Amount of Mana, in fact it was even believe that this Magic was the one that created most if not all of the current Mage-craft spells in the world and the one that truly opened the gateway for Miracles to happen. The Power to be the Clear Opposite of Nothingness - Absolute Creation

Weaknesses: The Imagination of the User, Put the body of the User in constant strain when the user is new and Make both Gaia and Alaya to try to eliminate the user since they go against the World Order

2nd True Magic - Kaleidoscope 

Domain - Operation of Parallel Worlds

User - Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg

What this True Magic does is to observe and interact with other parallel worlds and can be frequently uses to travel between Parallel Worlds or even Time Travel via traveling through Timelines, but this is only the beginner level or the novice levels, at the Advance Levels the user can Manipulate Space and Time, with that the user can make a condense ball of Space and launched it to kill anything in the world or just plainly manipulate the 4 fundamental forces in the Universe, 2nd Magic can also give the user Infinite/Unlimited Amount of Mana via Parallel Worlds and even create gaps between Dimensions to create an powerful attack. The Power to see beyond the Nothingness of Infinity to see Creation - Absolute Manipulation of Space and Time

Weaknesses: The User must be smart or extremely intelligent to used the power to it's maximum potential, The User must take a rest after excessive use or have used a powerful move to make sure that the body is okay and Make both Gaia and Alaya to try to eliminate the user since they go against the World Order

3rd True Magic - Heaven's Feel

Domain - The Materialization/Manipulation of Souls

User - Irisviel Emiya von Einzbern

           Justeaze lizrich von Einzbern(Inside the Greater Grail)

What this True Magic does is to manipulate the Soul of The living or the dead. There are two versions of this Magic, the first is the Cost Efficient One(Irisviel) and the Not Cost Efficient One(Justeaze), the main difference between the two versions are there Effectiveness, Efficiency and Speed, Irisviel's version is the better version since it's Faster, More Effective and the Efficiency of her version can't be compared to Justeaze. The 3rd Magic abilities is the power to Manipulate ones Soul and do anything with it, to the point that the user can attain True Immortality or even revived the Dead, the Magic itself isn't very good for combative purpose and is more of a Supportive Purpose than anything else, the user also has the ability to Empower ones Soul to strengthen them to the point that they can be called a God, or just Reduced ones Soul to the point that they leave the 3rd Dimension and Enter the 2nd Dimension, but like the other Magic, the User also attains Unlimited/Infinite Amount of Magical Power via Creating a Soul that holds massive amounts of Magical Energy and absorbing it. The Power to make there Souls Transcendence The Void of Infinite Nothingness - Absolute Soul Manipulation

Weaknesses: The User must have immense amounts of Will Power to be able to properly used the Magic, If the User where to use for far too much then the User will slowly lose there Emotions and Memories since the User will start to form and combine with the Afterlife and lose themselves and Make both Gaia and Alaya to try to eliminate the user since they go against the World Order

4th True Magic - Embrace of Nothingness 

Domain - The Inevitable Destruction of the Universe

User - None

What this True Magic does is the complete opposite of 1st True Magic(Denial of Nothingness) in can only Destroy whatever the User pleases or in the name itself make anything be Embrace by Nothingness absolutely destroying it and leaving nothing behind, like the others The User would also have Unlimited/Infinite Amount of Magical Energy via the used of the True Magic and truly becoming one with the Nothingness and gaining Infinite Magical Reserves for the Nothingness holds Infinite Magical Energy. The Power to bring about the Nothingness in anything in the world - Absolute Destruction

Weaknesses: The User must be extremely careful in the Manipulation of the Magic since if there not careful then there's a chance for the user to accidentally kill themselves, The User must be fearless to actually used the Magic since every time they do used it they would feel there Inevitable demise at some point and join the Nothingness itself andMake both Gaia and Alaya to try to eliminate the user since they go against the World Order

5th True Magic - Magic Blue

Domain - The Manipulation of Time

User - Aoko Aozaki 

What this True Magic does is to have complete control over Time and even limited Manipulate over Space, with this the User has almost absolute Defenses, since the user can reverse time of any Attack, the user can also heal others by reversing time, make attacks last longer by making the time it appear last longer, or even stopped events from happening by stopping time, and if given enough mastery, the can even see the Past, Present and Future, and like all other True Magics, the user also has Infinite Magical Reserves, by just reversing there Magical Reserves or by stopping there consumption of Mana by stopping there Time. The Power to make the Nothingness go forward and introduced Creation - Absolute Time Manipulation

Weakness: The User must be careful of manipulating time for a single mistake will have massive consequences and Make both Gaia and Alaya to try to eliminate the user since they go against the World Order

Right this is how i view the True Magics in Nasuverse, but remember this is how i view it and the cannon may not be like this

But here's the real question, how strong would a User of True Magic if they were to be able to used there True Magic to there full potential, how strong would they be?

Short Answer - They be 2-A to 1-C, but if they have extensive combat experience and have used the True Magic for quite sometime now, then they  can potential be 1-B or 1-A depends on the Individual 

Long Answer - They be able to fight Types/Ultimate Ones almost equal, but if they have fully mastered it, then they can fight equal or even kill the Types/Ultimate Ones, and this is further evident to the fact that a younger Zelretch defeated Type Moon, and an Older Zelretch should be technically be more skilled than the Older One and have more Experience in the used of said Magic, and if we currently give the Present Zelretch his Prime Body back, then he would be in no question be 1-B or at least 1-C

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