Chapter 11

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Shirou and Kiritsugu are currently ran towards inside the badly damage Tohsaka Mansion, while Iri created her Familiars and send them to search the whole area, if there was someone in the forest or if there was tracks that they can follow towards the attacker

Currently inside the Mansion, both Shirou and Kiritsugu decided to split up, to be able to search for more ground, to which Kiritsugu search the both the Ground Floor and Basement, while Shirou went towards the Second Floor

To this Shirou search every nook and cranny, of the second floor and he saw a badly hurt Rin with some kind of knife/sword stuck in her stomach and right arm, to this Shirou then pulled out both knifes/swords, and quickly Isis, to heal her up, he then put his Index and Middle Finger in her Neck and felt that there was a pulse, to this Shirou then breath a sign of relief, knowing that his Friend isn't dead, but was extremely angry at the person responsible for the near death of his friend 

Shirou: ' Thank Goodness, that you're not dead, Rin.. But i promise that i will make the person, responsible to pain for hurting you ' Shirou then piggyback Rin and went to the Ground Floor and search for Kiritsugu, who he saw, was in the Kitchen, with Iri, healing Aoi, but no Sakura in sight

To this Kiritsugu saw both Shirou and Rin, to this he immediately took Rin, off Shirou and gently place her next to Aoi, to this Aoi who was still awake only smiled and hug Rin, while constantly saying, 'I'am sorry, for being weak, i'am sorry, i'am sorry' to this the three were sad at the state of Aoi, while immediately figuring out that Sakura was kidnapped by the assailant

Then seconds later Aoi then looked at the family with both fear and hope

Aoi: " Please!! Save Sakura!!!! I don't  want to lose my child!! Please!!!! Pl-pl-please save... Sakura " She then dose off, to this Shirou then traced a blanket and covered the two. Kiritsugu, then looked Iri

Kiritsugu: " Iri, have you gotten any clues on to where the assailant went? " To this Iri nodded 

Iri: " Yes, there two tracks, 1 in the Church and 1 in the Ryuudou Temple " To this Kiritsugu nodded at the information, but there was a strong urge for him to go to the Church for some odd reason

Shirou: " Then, i will go to Ryuudou Temple, since i have went to that place, multiple times now, so i will know the shortcut to go the place faster " To this the two adults agreed with Shirou's decision, since the two knows that Shirou was stronger than them, since Shirou was stronger than them, when the two decided to be trained by Shirou

Kiritsugu: " Very well, Shirou stay safe " To this Shirou nodded, Iri then hug Shirou

Iri: " Make sure, that you survive, since we don't known how powerful our enemy is, gotta it? " To this Shirou nodded, Iri then let go of the hug and let Shirou run towards the Temple

Kiritsugu: " Iri, you shouldn't worry about him, his strong, he could take care of himself, so let's go to the Church " To this Iri nodded and then run towards the Church

Timeskip - Ryuudou Temple

We currently see Shirou walked up the stairs of the Temple and saw almost everything looked fine, except for the Mana of the area was massive, then suddenly on top of the Temple appeared Golden Portals that shot multiple weapons at Shirou to this Shirou then quickly traced the Abyssal Flower

We currently see Shirou walked up the stairs of the Temple and saw almost everything looked fine, except for the Mana of the area was massive, then suddenly on top of the Temple appeared Golden Portals that shot multiple weapons at Shirou to this ...

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