Chapter 17

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Ichiryu was surprised, to say that least, since he sat at the same spot for almost an Hour, watching Shirou Emiya cooked the Galala Gator and he was doing a good job, especially for the extra ingredients that he went and get from the forest, since everything that Shirou get was edible and isn't poisonous. This doesn't mean that Ichiryu thinks lowly about Shirou, no! The reason for this thinking is simple that this world isn't his own and he exist in another world 

Ichiryu: ' Well from what i can see, Shirou should be done any second now ' A few moments later, Shirou was now done and he presented the meat dish

Shirou: " This is Gala Meat " The name was simple, to which Ichiryu didn't mind, since the name doesn't matter, the most important thing is the test 

Ichiryu then took out a fork and press it to the meat, to his surprise it was soft, extremely soft, with that he put as little strength as possible in the fork and attempted to cut a portion like a knife, to which worked, with that Ichiryu took th...

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Ichiryu then took out a fork and press it to the meat, to his surprise it was soft, extremely soft, with that he put as little strength as possible in the fork and attempted to cut a portion like a knife, to which worked, with that Ichiryu took the meat and smelled it 

Ichiryu: ' The meat is surprisingly soft and it smells very good. Now for the Test ' With that Ichiryu ate the dish, to which resulted in his clothes to destroy themselves 

 Now for the Test ' With that Ichiryu ate the dish, to which resulted in his clothes to destroy themselves 

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Ichiryu then started crying, while still eating the meal

Ichiryu: ' The Food is extremely good!! This is the first time that i ate something this good! But still for this young man to be this good, why will happen if he stays here for a year? ' With that Ichiryu finished the meal and then stood up, with somehow having his clothes back

Ichiryu: " Alright, Shirou will go back to the HQ and we will get you your Gourmet Cells and with that you will gained strength if you eat something that held Gourmet Cells " With that the two started there walked back to the HQ that Ichiryu spoke off

Shirou: " Oh right! Almost forgot to asked.. How good is my cooking? " To this Ichiryu just laughed 

Ichiryu: " Well, you might be the Greatest Chef in the world! " With that Shirou was satisfied 

With that Ichiryu started to tell Shirou about everything that is common about this World, since he will be staying in this world, for 3 months at best, with that Shirou learned of the power structure of the world and what laws it implements, what is good and what is bad and the difference between a Gourmet Hunter and Chef. The Hunters are the people that hunt down High Level Ingredients and the Chefs are the one that cooks them, so it's a uncommon sight for a Hunter and a Chef to team up. But that doesn't mean the Hunter can't become a Chef, same with the Chef. But the most uncommon are the people that can Hunts and Cooks at the same time, since most people would rather focus on one attribute

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