Chapter 15

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4 Months Earlier - After The Talked with Bazett

We currently see Shirou in some kind of Alleyway

Shirou: " You took your time, Zel " To this Shirou looked ahead of him and saw a tear in space and out came Zelretch

Zelretch: " You know Shirou, I was looking for the perfect Universe you can train on. But since this time it's on a Grand Scale, I want you to do something for me, will you? " To this Shirou nodded, since Zelretch has done so much for him, a little favor is a small comparison to that

Seeing Shirou nod agreeing to his little favor, Zelretch snap his finger, creating a portal

Zelretch: " Great! So the little favor, is to kill the 10th Of The Dead Apostle Ancestors, Nero Chaos " To this Shirou was confused at the request, since he is pretty sure that Zelretch could kill Nero pretty easily, same goes for himself

Since Nero is pretty weak, don't get Shirou wrong in this, since the people that Shirou has face could destroy the world, compared to a 10th Dead Apostle Ancestor, he is nothing to him

Zelretch seeing Shirou's confused expression, decided to say why

Zelretch: " Seeing that you are confused I will elaborate, I want you to kill Nero while not using Mage-craft of any kind. The reason why I want you to kill him, is simply I know of you're plans on creating an Organization on the same scale or even greater than the Holy Church and The Mages Association " To this Shirou sighed, sensing that he was found out

Right, Shirou is planning on creating a organization on the same scale or hopefully on greater scale than the existing Organization on the world, the reason for this is simply, he is seeing the corruption of the world. The World or Gaia is being more violent and is acting strange, because of Shirou's great Prana or Mana Sensing, he is sensing that Gaia was sending mana/Prana waves on to space, like some kind of signal of some kind

And with seeing that no one is sensing it, or is just plainly ignoring it, Shirou decided to take matters into his own hands, seeing that informing the Mages Association is just no good, since despite being a Grand Marshall, many still don't approve of him getting the position since he is so young, and just as many will try to bring his downfall and so he decided to built up connections, make himself richer and most of all, he wants to make the whole Moonlit World know of his power

And with all of that done, he can just announce that he is quitting the Mages Association, and make his own Organization and also simultaneously weakening the Mages Association, truthfully he doesn't want to do this, but since he needs a Organization as big as the Mages Association and that they will follow what he says and right now the only Organization that matches the Mages Association is the Holy Church and Shirou sees that they will not follow him as well 

So Shirou just decided to create an Organization himself, and right now The Einzberns(obviously), The Tohsakas, The Edelfelts, The Ainsworths and The Animuspheres has sign a Geis, that says that they will all quit the Mages Association and join his Future Organization

Shirou: " Thank you for helping me, Zel " To this Zelretch smiled and then formally bowed down and place his right hand on top of his heart and then use his left arm and pointed it to the portal

Zelretch: " It's the lease i can do, Director " To this Shirou looked at Zelretch with a surprised impression, Zelretch a man that has successfully raised him(somehow) and gave him everything and right now he is now abandoning his position in the Mages Association to be with him, to tell him the truth he was glad that he has a Grandfather like that, despite him knowing that Zelretch is only doing this to sate his boredom

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