Chapter 6

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It has been a month since, Vivian accepted Shirou, to be trained by the Fairies. Since then Shirou's control over his own Mana and the Mana in the atmosphere, has skyrocketed, since the Fairies are one of the most powerful in terms of controlling Mana, and with there help, Shirou became more powerful and with there permission, Shirou could also train anyone, the same way

This is also the Month were both Merlin and Scathach, has nothing left to teach Shirou, to which the latter just decided 'Why not be trained you two' To which the two just accepted, since they could bond more and they would also get stronger, it's win - win situation 

Shirou has also been studying about on how to create a Homunculus, per Irisviel's request, since Irisviel has been nearing True Magic, to which Zelretch has confirmed that Irisviel has the same magic presence as Justeaze, but she was more refined

Because of this Irisviel was determined on getting 3rd True Magic, since it's the magic that governs the soul, and she hope that she can get Kiritsugu's soul and be revived by Shirou's Homunculus body, so that they could finally be a complete family 

Shirou has also been started to train Rin in magecraft, allowing her to quickly surpass her father, while Illya is being physically trained, so that she isn't far too over reliant on magic alone

Britain - London - Clock Tower - Zelretch Office

We currently see Shirou seating in the couch while Zelretch was seating in his chair 

Zelretch: " So, you finally decided to what to teach? " To this Shirou shook his head, confusing Zelretch

Zelretch: " What do you mean? Isn't the reason for coming here, is for you to figure out, on what you are planning on teaching? " To this Shirou nodded and looked at Zelretch

Shirou: " I want to create my own Department " To this Zelretch smirked 

Zelretch: " So that's what you want then? " To this Shirou nodded

Shirou: " Is it not allowed? " To this Zelretch shook his head

Zelretch: " No, it's allowed, but what are you planning on teaching? " To this Shirou smiled 

Shirou: " Mana Control " To this Zelretch smiled at Shirou already knew what he wants to do

Zelretch: " You want to flip the Moonlit World upside down, don't you Shirou. Since the older families has the advantage of better Mana Control, because of there long blood line, but if you gave that advantage to the newer generations, they would quickly catch up, because they would acquire more advantage than them, because of how little mana they have, correct? " To this Shirou nodded

Shirou: " That's right, and with the Fairies giving me permission on teaching others there way of mana control, i will be able to create more powerful students and further advance as well. So what do you think? " To this Zelretch nodded

Zelretch: " Sure, i support you, all the way through.. But question, since you do want to spend time with your family, how are you going to do that? " To this Shirou smirked and wrote a rune in the air, and when Shirou activated it, a exact replica appeared 

Shirou: " This Shirou, shall be the one to teach in my stead, and to answer question on how to know who's who, then looked at the hair, it has a white streak " To this Zelretch noticed to which he smiled 

Zelretch: " You can leave it to me, Shirou, now then we should call your clone, Adam since it means the son of the red earth " To this Shirou nodded

Shirou: " This clone is basically a robot, it will only follow my orders, but since i will never be here all the time, you and Barthomeloi, would also follow your orders, albeit with limited control " To this Zelretch nodded

Zelretch: " Well, farewell Shirou, until your next birthday then " To this Shirou nodded and teleported with the help of the runes 

Japan - Fuyuki City - Emiya Household

We currently see Shirou in the shed, with the Homunculus body that looks exactly like Kiritsugu Emiya with his clothes on, 'and if you are wondering on how he knowns Kiritsugu's body, well Irisviel gave him all the information that he needs' Shirou then use Time Magecraft to Kiritsugu's knew body to freeze his body and be pristine as possible 

Shirou then looked then looked behind him and saw his Mother seating in the Magic Circle that he created to transport Irisviel to the root and get the 3rd True Magic Heaven's feel, he then walked towards his mother and nodded 

Shirou: " Mom, here we go! " He then activated the Magic Circle and then whole world stopped including Shirou himself, while Zelretch and Aoko was still able to move and felt a strong wave of mana and realized that there's another Magician

Irisviel to this was looking around and was confused on why her son has stopped moving and was about to walked to his direction, but stop when she sense a being that has an untold amount of Mana, even surpassing Shirou, when Irisviel looked up, she was shocked since she then saw the Root and like a tree planting itself to the earth, the root was planting itself to Irisviel, to this she then felt herself getting stronger per second and when the root disappeared, all of the knowledge pertaining about Third Magic she gain all of it, including the Third Magic itself

When the world finally started to move, Shirou then looked at his Magic and was confused, on why she looked like she fully understand life in it's entirety 

She then stood up and went to the homuculus and raised both hands and then suddenly in the middle of her hands, the space crack and then an object appeared and went towards the homunculus, when the process was done, Irisviel felt tired, but refuse to sleep, since she wants to see for herself if it worked 

While this was happening Shirou was watching the whole thing, while also hoping for it to work, since Irisviel hasn't had that much sleep, in the last months 

Shirou/Irisviel: ' Please work and comeback to Mom/Me Kiritsugu!! ' Then suddenly the Homunculus eyes twitch and slowly opened it's eyes and when the eyes fully opened, he looked to his left 

Kiritsugu: " Iri? " That was the only thing that Irisviel needed, before she hug him

Irisviel: " Kiritsugu!!!! Welcome back to me!!! " To this Kiritsugu was shocked since the last thing that he remembered, was him ordering saber on destroying the grail

Kiritsugu then sat up and hug Irisviel 

Kiritsugu: " Iri, it's ok, i'am back now " He then tried to calmed down his wife's tears. To this Irisviel nodded and broke the hug and looked at Shirou, to which Kiritsugu followed suit and was confused on who the child is 

Kiritsugu: " Who are you? " To this Shirou cough and went towards the two and stop just a meter away from the two

Shirou: " My name is Shirou Emiya "

fate: Grand Saber(Long Updates)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon