The Talk

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Eli's POV
I woke up early this morning ready to talk to Sierra. The conversation I had with dad last night had been on my mind from the moment I got out of the bed and into the shower. I felt a wave of guilt hit me as I thought about her being forced into this just because she's my mate. Despite that guilt I made my way to Sam and Emily's place and asked Sierra to take a walk with me so I can talk to her about everything.

"So, what did your dad say? Did he know why this happened?" I sighed looking at her as we walked towards the beach. "Yes, he had some suspicions it would happen when we first met each other. He said that Ik the past situations like this have happened at least 5 times in the pack when Alpha Calari was still alive. 'Coincidentally,' almost every time he would bring a few of his pack members with him to deal with the imprint problem that person would find their true mates within the pack. All these people would end up mates to high ranking members of the pack or actual high ranks of the pack. They were all chosen to help build the pack and keep it protected, beta's, third in commands, even Alpha Calari's wife and our first Luna did it. He says that you were chosen to not only be my mate but becoming the Luna of the pack, a true Luna, because that's what the pack needs and that you were destined to lead us if I was to ever get hurt because you're strong enough to take on the role." I looked down at her watching for her response she was in deep thought. "So I was chosen to go through all this for not only the sake of being your mate but being the pack Luna? I went through the most painful thing in the world because of something that I'm basically destiny to become? That's sick, I really could've died!" I could hear the anger and the hurt in her voice. "I'm sorry Sierra, when dad told me last night I was just as shocked as you are. But you don't have to rush anything because of this. Dad and I understand that Sam and the rest of the pack are your family. No matter what we will support you." She didn't say anything so I stopped walking and she stood there as well. I placed my hand on her shoulder and she looked up at me in response. "You're too quiet and I know this is a lot to take in. You can tell me how you feel and what's on your mind. I'm here for you." She sighed. "It just doesn't feel fair. I thought that I would be able to make the decision myself you know but now that I know all this I feel as if I have no choice. I know I won't feel the same being here with Sam because technically they aren't my pack anymore. I've gone through these changes and I still feel different now that I've shifted and the out way to describe it is there feels like some power deep inside me is just sitting there. I feel so overwhelmed because I spent the past 2 1/2 years helping Sam lead the pack and now I have no place here. It's just very off putting because on the upside I met you and your amazing family but I'm losing a big part of who I am and I don't know what to do about it." I sighed thinking over everything she said. "I'm sorry that this entire situation is overwhelming and pressuring you. It's understand your feeling of being trapped and I want you to know that you aren't. I'll always be by yours side even if you decide not to move to Alaska because we're young and we have time to decide what we want to do and who we want to be. The choice of what to do with our lives is ours and it shouldn't feel forced to be or do anything you don't want." She softly smiled at me. "But for you I'd do it all if it meant you'd be truly happy. I was already trying to finalize my decision but now I need answers and the only place to find them is Alaska. I'm willing to give it a chance." I smiled at her although I felt really bad. She cared for me and was willing to come with me although she'd be leaving her family. She was willing to try with my pack and I admired her selflessness. She was willing to do anything to make me happy and I'd always do the same because she's my mate and I love her for who she is.

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