New Kids

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              I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off and began to get ready for school. I put on some black jeans as well as a blue shirt and a black hoodie to go over it. I rushed downstairs and saw my dad waiting in the kitchen. "Hey Sierra, are you ready for school?" "Ready as always dad. I'm probably going to go stop by the Rez before I come back. Is that okay?" "Of course, tell Jacob and Billy I said hello!" I nodded running out the house to my car. It still surprises me everyday to see my pretty blue Ford F-150 waiting in my driveway for me to leave. 

             When I pulled into the parking lot I noticed a couple of new cars sitting in the lot. When I walked in the building I went straight to my best friends Chelsea and Devin. "Hey guys, what's up with the new cars in the lot." They then looked at me surprised. "I'm so surprised you haven't heard. There's a group of new kids who moved here recently and they just started school today. Apparently they all our adopted by this hot new doctor who just came to town with his wife." I looked at them shocked "Wow, it's been a really long time since we've had anyone new suddenly move in town. I'm sure they'll be a great new edition to the school." I then looked at the bell and went to my first class which was English. When I first walked in I noticed a very pale girl with a pixie cut hairstyle why seemed to be slightly overdressed. Right next to her was a guy with blonde hair who looked extremely uncomfortable to be here. I took a seat right behind them seeing as most of the seats were full.

              I looked up as I saw the girl turn around to look at me once the teacher stepped out. "Hello, I'm Alice and this is Jasper it's nice to meet you." I gave her a slight smile "Hey, I'm Sierra Swan it's nice to meet you as well." I couldn't help but notice that the color of her eyes were abnormal. I've seen people with one eye being green and the other brown but the color of their eyes were Golden. I noticed her holding on to Jasper as if she was trying to persuade him or keep him from losing his cool. "So, Sierra, have you always lived in Forks?" I nodded "For the most part of my life yes. Sometimes during the summer I do like to visit my mother to get away from Forks for a little while." She smile at me "Well, I hope we become great friends you seem to be a very interesting person to be around" I nodded "Same to you." I immediately got up as I noticed the bell was about to ring to my next 2 classes which were Spanish and Music.

          After music I had lunch, thankfully. My last 2 classes made me slightly uncomfortable because I felt like I was being stared at the entire time. It was worse noticing that the new kids were the ones to be staring at me. Rosalie, in particular was starring at me as if I did something to her or something. I went to my usual table and saw that Chelsea and Devin as well as Devin's girlfriend Naomi and her best friend Cameron. I grabbed my lunch and sat down with them. "Hey Sisi, how was your weekend and your classes? Also have you met the new kids yet?" I smiled at all of them. "My weekend was great, I actually spent it at Sam's house with his girlfriend, Leah. And yes I met Jasper and Alice. They seem pretty cool but I don't really know about the rest of them." I looked at Chelsea "Am I the one who finds it weird that they're in so many of our classes but they graduate a year after we do?" I sighed "I do find it weird but I feel like its none of my business, like its very rare that the school allows you to do that but it could be their attempt to graduate early or they could just be advanced in the topics. I wouldn't overthink it or anything." They all nodded "You are right, there are a lot of possibilities as to why they are taking these classes. See this is why we love you. You're the smart one out of this group." I laughed "Thanks, I try." In the middle of our conversation I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable and I looked over at the Cullens who were staring at me. I couldn't help but wonder 'What the hell is their problem?'

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