The Legend

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Sam's POV

Hope. For today I was allowing myself to hold on to the hope that my sister would finally be okay. I hated seeing my sister suffer for a bond she didn't ask for and I hate to say it but her pain made me appreciate Emily even more now than ever. Today the Alaistair pack was finally arriving to help us. We had moved Sierra back to my house the day I told Carlisle about her and since then Emily, Paul, Leah, and I have been taking care of her.

I walked out of Sierra's room since she was finally resting and saw Paul entering the house with multiple people behind him. There were two older looking men, an older and younger woman, and 3 other men who looked to be around Sierra's age. I stepped forward introducing myself.

"Hello, my name is Sam Uley. Thank you for coming to help my pack." One of the men stepped forward and I noticed he seemed to have long scar on his face. He held out his had for me to shake. "Hey Sam, I'm Armoni it's nice to meet you. We're glad to help as much as we can. " he then pointed to the older man next to him and then everyone else. "This is one of the elders of our pack, Liam Harrison. Next to him is my wife Cassie Alastair and my third in command Ariana Alaistair, then my son who is beta Noah Alastair, and lastly Elijah Alastair my next in line." I nodded greeting each of them and then introducing them to the pack, exluding Jacob. "Who's this person that's been rejected and what is their state right now?" I sighed sitting down with them on the couch. "Her name is Sierra Swan. Recently she had began to lose more weight but she's been in less pain. She started off screaming from the pain and barely sleeping for anything more than 3 hours almost nonstop but she sleeps for about 7 hours in all in one day." he nodded "Where is she now?" I pointed toward the stairs. "She's actually sleeping in her room right now." "Does her family know of her current state?" "Actually her family doesn't even know she's a shifter. I'm the only family that knows." he looked at me nodding. "I understand. Is now the right time to tell you about the legend you called about?" I nodded looking at the rest of the pack as they sat down to listen. "Well first, I'm glad you called me to get answers. The legend you called about is the actual first time someone in our pack ever got rejected. It's happened around 10-15 times in our pack. I'll start with our history to tie into the story of what happened. The Alastair pack originated in Rome, Italy shortly after the first Vampires were created. Shortly after the first Vampires creation our pack grew to a very large size. We had expanded to the outer parts of Rome and eventually a large portion of shapeshifters were killed by them. Our first Alpha, Alpha Alphonso in the midst of the attack ordered his beta to relocate from Italy to Alaska since that's where the Vampires were starting to relocate as well. With this order Alpha Calari took a small group of around 5 people with him to Alaska and they sat up a pack house. Shortly after they all found their pack mates except for Alpha Calari. He imprinted on a woman who was a vampire who didn't feed on humans. She rejected him almost immediately when he was basically forced to tell him of the imprint and for almost 3 months in excruciating pain. He experienced a lot of what I'm sure she's experiencing which is hot and cold flashes, pain in the chest area, like his body was on fire, nausea, weight loss, and some other things. In my pack it's rare to be rejected by an imprint but when it does happen it is lethal. Most people don't manage to find their mate like the Alpha did. Without a true mate it can often depend on who rejected you. If they are human you have a higher chance of surviving. If it's a vampire chances are often that you'll live but be in a much weaker state. If they are a shifter there's a higher chance you don't survive." I sighed shaking my head and putting it in my lap feeling Emily rub my back supportively. "If she does somehow manage to meet her true mate it's a much different bond than an imprint. While imprints happen unexpectedly this bond you can basically sense it. You can smell when they are near and when your being rejected the pain lessens slightly. They can recognize their mates by scent, touch, and lastly eye contact. The bond is very strong and basically irresistible. If it's a rejected mate they often go through a very painful healing process. Their bodies try to build themselves back up. Sometimes their bodies become stronger. Sometimes they become weaker. Depending on how strong their bodies are they may or may not ever phase again." I nodded "Thank you for that." He smiled "We can help you to take care of her. Do you have her hooked up to anything?" I shook my head. "You need to get her hooked up to some blood and a IV. " I nodded. "We have a treaty with some vampires. They have access those since one of them is a doctor. Do you mind them coming to help?" he nodded. "Overtime we've learned that there are some okay ones out there so we don't mind interacting with them at home." I nodded and went to call Carlisle Cullen.

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