Bella or Me

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~The summer~

I graduated. As of 1 month ago I was an official graduate from the reservation. A month after I started to attend the reservation Jared Cameron had phased and shortly after Paul Lahote. With them the pack had been brought to a total of 4 including me. Shortly after attending the Reservation I began to date Jacob. Our relationship was okay but for some reason our imprint was different than Sam and Emily's bond. I knew that he still had feelings for my sister although we were together. Despite that I had fallen for Jacob pretty hard. Sam had ordered me not to tell him about the imprint until he phased which made my end of the relationship pretty difficult. Overall we had a great relationship, he made me happy and I made him happy as well. Over the past few weeks I had knew that he was starting to hang around Bella. When he wasn't with her I had noticed his changes. He was starting to grow taller and more irritable. He was hotter both physically and attractive wise. I had notified Sam shortly after noticing and he told me to look out for him.

It was the middle of the day and it was my turn to patrol the area. As I patrolled I suddenly heard a voice enter my mind. 'What the hell just happened to me?' 'Jacob???' I ran over to the place behind Billy's seeing Jacob in his new form. 'Sierra is that you?' I nodded my big wolf head an telepathically called Sam. 'It's okay Jake, just stay calm and Sam will explain everything to you once Sam is here.' We then waited for Sam and I phased back once he arrived grabbing clothes for Jacob out of his house seeing Billy patiently waiting. Once I got his clothes I ran back out handing them to Sam. "I'll meet you both at Emily's." he nodded and I quickly ran to Emily letting her know what happened. After about an hour of waiting Sam and Jacob entered. "Did you tell him everything?" he shook his head and began to explain literally everything from the history to imprintng. I watched his reaction to imprinting seeing the excitement in them. Soon fading once he mentioned that he couldn't tell anyone the pack secret. "I can't tell Bella, she knows about the Cullens?" Sam sighed and nodded. "Bella isn't a quilette or an imprint she can't know unless she figures it out on her own." "So that means I can't even talk to her? She needs me right now Sam. I was just getting her to-" he then looked at me as if just realizing I was there but the damage was already done. "That's how it is Jacob? Sam tells you the truth about everything and the first thing you do is worry about Bella? Not even your girlfriend but her sister? I trusted you to hang around her because you promised me that you no longer had strong feelings for her Jacob!" I could feel myself shaking, worse than I ever had before so I ran outside not caring that I had just revealed all my thoughts to Jacob,-my imprint. I ran off to blow off some steam but stopped when I could suddenly hear Paul's thoughts. 'Are you okay, Sierra? I'm sorry your imprint is so terrible.' I stood in form of him in my wolf form and shook my head. 'I'm not. He didn't even care about our relationship or my feelings, just Bella's.' Paul lightly nudged me. 'I'm sure you'll work it out. He's your imprint after all. You just have to be patient.' I sighed and nodded. 'Let's head back then.' he nodded as well and we ran back to Emily's seeing that Jacob was gone. When I entered Sam hugged me. "I'm sorry, Sisi." I smiled hugging him back. "It's okay, I just have to give it time." he nodded and I sighed ignoring the thoughts in the back of my mind telling me it'll never work.

I woke up to the sound of laughter in the front room. I got in the shower and got dressed joining whoever it was in the living room smiling until I saw Jacob a long with Jared and Paul. Paul walked over and hugged me. "Hey giggles, how are you feeling?" I laughed hugging him back. "I'm okay. Thanks wolfy." Jared walked over to me greeting me similarly. I walked over to the food grabbing a few pancakes, eggs, and sausages. "Thanks Em." she nodded and I sighed as I could feel Jacob staring me. I looked up meeting his eyes feeling as though my heart had just melted away. "Can we talk?" I nodded following him outside as we walked towards the beach. "I'm sorry about yesterday. I know that I hurt you. The truth is I do really care for Bella but I do love you Sierra. These past few months have been so amazing and they've meant the world to me. I just can't get over my feelings for Bella. I just need you to give me time." I nodded feeling my heartbreak every time he mentioned Bella. "I understand Jacob, you love my sister but I refuse to be a second option. I love you and as my imprint I can understand if you want to just be friends. Just tell me Jacob. Let me know." he nodded. "I think it's best if we're friends, best friends Sierra." I nodded feeling my eyes fill up with tears. "I respect that. Thank you Jacob."

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