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~A few months later~

Sierra's POV

              Façade. If I could describe these past few months with Jacob it would be façade. To most people it would seem like Jacob and I were truly happy with each other but I felt Jacob's discomfort. I knew that Jacob was not happy with our relationship because of his feelings for Bella. Paul is my best friend and he told me that Jacob's thoughts on patrol always drifted off to Bella, He told me that the thoughts recently were about us but I know that he still has feelings for Bella. It's weird. It's extremely weird that Jacob puts up this façade around me like everything is okay and I'm the only girl in his world and that's not the case. He's settling for me and it hurts. It hurts knowing that I'll never be his first choice and I'll never make him as happy as Bella did.

            This morning before patrol I had heard about an incident between the Cullens and the pack. From what I understand, they were chasing Victoria through the forest and she crossed the border and out of instinct Emmett almost did as well. Since then there's been this tension in the pack to do with the treaty.

               I looked up as I heard Jacob's motorcycle engine pull up to the house. I stood up as Jacob rushed in seemingly in a weird state. The look on his face was weird, really weird. Sam spoke to him. "Jacob what happened?" he smiled and honestly it was a creepy smile. "I kissed Bella but she punched me and fractured her hand." I sat there silently as the words processed in my head. I could feel myself growing angrier and angrier the more I repeated the words. I hate him but he's "my imprint." He's my imprint who I hate because he constantly fucks me over. Every time I think we're growing he fucks it up for my younger sister.

                  I ran outside before I broke everything in the house and phased. I could feel all the anger I had building up. Sam ran outside toward me but when he saw me he slowly approached me with Jacob following. Emily then handed him clothes, my clothes, most likely.

                   "Sierra I understand your hurt, I understand your upset, I understand but you need to calm down. I need you to phase back and come back inside."

                 For the first time I didn't listen. I ignored his voice and ran away. I ran and ran until I found myself at the border of the patrol line. I sat there for what felt like hours not moving just thinking angrily with my thoughts closed off from the pack. Before I knew it Edward, Rosalie, and Emmett were on the other side of the border staring at me.

Edward's POV

                Why me?! Why did it have to be me? Why do I have to be stuck with someone who doesn't give a damn about me? I stopped mid run as we came from a hunt and everyone looked at me confused. "It's Sierra. I know that she's a part of the pack of Mutt's but she's going through a lot and I want to help." They looked at me surprised and Emmett and Rosalie spoke up. "I'll come with you."

                We arrived at the border in under a minute and for the first time I saw her wolf which was a beautiful snow white with her hazel eyes shining right through. She looked at us tilting her head to the side. What are they doing here? "We're here to support you Sierra. I heard your thoughts so I wanted to help. We know about your situation with Jacob for the most part and we just want to help you through this. Instead of fighting us she seemed to just give in. I just don't understand Edward. Imprints are supposed to be your soul mates. They're supposed to make you happy and love you. Jacob does neither of that while I do everything I can to make him happy. He doesn't understand the literal physical pain our relationship causes when he hurts me. It's the worse pain I've ever experienced. I gave him 3 chances and he hurt me each and everytime. I hate him for it. I hate him for all the pain he caused but I'm stuck because through all his lies I somehow still love him. I looked at Rosalie and Emmett elaborating. "She says that her imprint connection to her isn't what it's supposed to be. It's basically filled with nothing but pain and for her that's both physical and emotional. She feels stuck. She hates him for the pain that comes with loving him." Rosalie's eyes softened as she looked at the wolf. "I completely understood Sierra. You'll get through it because your strong and you have people who support you including me, Emmett, Edward, Carlisle, and even Alice. You also have the support of your pack. They'll help you through the pain and do their best to fill that void as much as possible. Maybe your mate bond will change into a friendship and you'll be able to live codependently." she shook her head and let out this small howl. I hope so Rosalie but I doubt it. Thank you for being here. She then turned and ran right back towards her pack and I listened to her final thought. My biggest mistake is believing that a person obsessed with my sister could love and at least respect me.

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