Chapter 68- End of book 1

Start from the beginning

"What do you mean?" I reply a little confused.

"I don't really know what I think happens when you die, but the more I think about my mother, I think maybe she's been with me and watched over me. At least I hope so, it always brought me comfort thinking that she was here, but I don't know. If she did, I don't think she does anymore. I think she's moved on, she knows I'm okay and I'm safe and I'm loved." Alexa turns her face up to me and as much as I expected to see tears, I don't I just see my happy little girl.

"I used to talk to her a lot, sometimes out loud with words other times in my journals. Not so much recently." She states casually, I don't say anything feeling like she maybe isn't finished.

"I just kind of realised as I looked up at the stars, she was my mother, she gave birth to me right? But I was only 2 years old when she died, apart from 2 photographs, I don't have any memory of her. I don't know her voice, I don't know what she was like as a person. I just created this idea of my mom in my head. I love her, I will always remember and think about her, she's my mother... but she's not my mom."

Her hand carefully wipes a tear that I didn't realise was dripping down my face. "You are my mom, you love me and care for me, you make me laugh, you comfort me when I'm down, or when I've had a nightmare; you're the one that holds me and tells me everything will be okay. I'm Alexandra Maeve Olsen and my mom is the amazingly talented, caring, most beautiful, selfless human in the world and the person I look up to most. My mom is Elizabeth Chase Olsen and that makes me the luckiest child in all of existence."

Alexa cuddles into me with a huge smile on her face as I cry like a baby. Of course she's my daughter and to me, it feels like she always has been. But, to hear her tell me that I'm her mom, is a whole other emotion I don't know how to explain.

We laid out on the grass for a while finding shapes in the stars until it got a little chilly. We head back to spend our final night in the apartment, both taking well needed showers and getting into some comfy pyjamas. I fold up our overalls and put them in a little box, they're something I definitely want to keep.

When we finally go to bed it's almost 2am and both Alexa and I were feeling the exhaustion. As soon as we get into my bed we're out like lights... Which brings us to now, frantically rushing around to get ready for our day!

"Mom I can't find my Docs! Do we have any cereal?" Alexa grumbles as she walks into the kitchen, heading straight for the pantry to find what I assume to be said cereal.

"Good morning Mom. Good morning sweetheart! Do you happen to know where my docs are? Yes sweetheart, they're in the office where you left them. Oh thanks mom you're the best! No problem it's what I'm here for!" I dramatically and albeit quite sarcastically, talk to myself as Alexa finds something to eat.

"Sorry Mom. Good morning, I love you. Thankyou, you're the best!" Alexa says finally smiling for the first time this morning as she hugs my back and leans over to kiss my cheek. We both take a little breath and calm a moment as Alexa goes off to find her shoes, coming back out of the office a couple of minutes later Docs in hand.

"You look cool!" I tell her as she stand up pulling her bag over her shoulder. I receive furrowed eyebrows almost a scowl in return. "Sorry am I too much of a Mom now I can't say you look cool either?" I tease as I add cool to my imaginary list of things I can't call her. Other entries include cute, funky and now cool.

"Good morning Olsens!" I hear Keen happily shout through as he opens the front door. "Got to go, love you Mom" Alexa rushes out to join keen, I follow and manage to wave them off. "No tears today, we're doing good momma!" I high five myself with a little laugh.

What has happened to me!

I gather the last of our things and put them in my car, as I question my existence of when I became a dorky mother who talks to, and high fives herself.

After one final sweep I shut off the lights and lock the front door, making sure to slot the 4 sets of keys back through the letter box as requested by the owners. I stand back and just look at the building that has become my home over the last year.

I moved here straight out of a relationship, heartbroken and miserable. It all turned around though, my best friends Chris and Scarlett picked me up, dusted me off and helped me through, but most importantly I became a mother here.

4 blocks away, my world changed for the better. This was our first home together, but now we're moving on to our forever home. And as always my best friends will be by my side, along with my crazy dysfunctional family.

But most importantly my daughter...

Alexa Maeve Olsen.

———————————————————————————Word count: 1809

And just like that we've reached the end of book 1! Don't worry book 2 is already in the works continuing our journey. I just felt like this was a good place to conclude the 'adoption' part of their story.

I want to thank every single one of you for being on this journey with me. You have no idea what it means to me when I posted the first 5 chapter I remember how crazy it was when I hit 100 reads! Some of you have been here from day 1 and thanks to this book I've made many amazing online friends. I started this book to give me a little outlet from life and with every chapter and especially these little notes I feel so humbled by the response and the love so with that...

For the last time in this book I want us all to take care of ourselves. Drink some water, get some rest, try to eat a little something.

From the bottom of my heart I truly mean it

I love you all dearly xxx

Adopted by Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now