"I do not," I said folding my arms and I spotted Bucky's eyes go straight to my breasts and I elbowed him, "There are cameras around,"

"Right," Tony said and Bucky cleared his throat, "We will record everything and make sure you get him to talk. We need him to give us more information,"

"I'll get them to talk," I said cracking my knuckles and I put my hands on my head, "When he does talk, where are we headed to next?"

"I have eyes around the city and Sam has been keeping a lookout as well. A few have been seen at an abandoned train station so once we deal with this idiot, we will head there," Tony stopped outside a room and looked at me, "Don't let him get under your skin. You are stronger than they can ever imagine. Don't let them convince you that you are Hydra. You never were and never will be. Ok?"

I nodded and licked my dry lips, "Got it. Not Hyrda. Never will be,"

"Good girl," He smiled and looked at the boys behind me, "If you think she is about to snap you take her out. I have to get a few things ready before we leave. Take as long as you need,"

The door let out a small hissing noise as it cracked open and I stepped inside, someone closing the door behind us. The metal table had the man chained to it with one hand, his other hand resting on the top of his dark hair.

I tried to hold back a snortle but it didn't work and the guy looked up at me, narrowing his blue eyes.

"Why are you smiling?" Steve asked quietly.

"You'll see," I said and I sat down on the free chair, putting my feet on the table almost laughing at the guy, "Why am I not surprised that you were caught?"

"Venus, long time no see,"

"I thought you had a chance to leave," I said, "After you became a snitch and all,"

He narrowed his eyes at me, "I've paid my dues. I showed them that it was a mistake and I have given them a blood oath,"

"Bloodied thumbprint on paper?"


"That's what their blood oaths are. You knew that right?"

"Of-of course!"

"Right," I said slowly, "So how did you give them a blood oath?"

"I promised them. That was my blood oath,"

I sighed, "You are so stupid. Honestly, I have no idea how you are still alive. I'm sure you forget how to breathe sometimes."

"Fuck you, Venus," He snarled, "You were lucky that Slasher hasn't got his hands on you again. He wants to carve his name into your chest and fuck you till-"

"Shut up, Hamster,"

"Hamster?" Bucky asked, "That is what they call you?"

"Got a problem with it?" Hamster said, lifting his chin up.

"Nope. None at all...apart from your's is a pussy nickname compared to the others. Even Venus is better than yours,"

"Do you want to know why they call me that?" Hamster grinned widely, "Because I can fit into small places and get what they need,"

I burst into laughter, tears filling my eyes. I put my hand over my left breast and tried to take a deep breath. I yelped as my chair tipped back and it was caught.

"Emily, why are you laughing?" Steve asked.

"Is that your story?" I said, dabbing my tears away, "You think that is why you were called Hamster?"

"It is," He said getting to his feet, "When I get out of here, I am going to bite your face off,"

"Ok, ew," I said and let out a sigh, "You were called Hamster because you are hung like a hamster. Small cock."

Hamster went bright red in the face and launched himself at me, but I didn't budge. Bucky and Steve caught him with ease and slammed him back down on the chair. I smirked and got to my feet seeing his face pale. I sat on the table in front of him, folding my arms under my breasts and leaned forward.

I could see him fighting with himself but eventually, he gave up and his eyes zeroed in on my breasts.

"I am only going to ask you this once or I'll leave you locked up in this room with the two soldiers who will beat the living shit out of you," I said and he looked at my face, "What the fuck did they do to me and why do they want me?"

"You don't know?"

"I know my biological parents worked for Hydra and I was injected with the same serum they were. But that is it,"

Hamster frowned, "You don't remember what happened when you were 14?"

"Obviously not,"

"O-oh," He said, "Relax guys. I'm not going to hurt her,"

I nodded and they let him go, "Get talking,"

"Where do you want me to start?"

"At the beginning," Bucky said.

"Don't leave anything out," Steve said folding his arms.

"If you cooperate, I can talk to Tony and see what we can do for you," I said, "Bucky. Steve. Don't argue with me. He isn't dangerous at all. Just stupid."

"If you say so," Bucky said and clamped his metal hand on Hamster's shoulder making him yelp in pain, "But if you even think about doing something stupid, I'll snap your neck, Hamster,"

"Y-yes. I got it," Hamster said, "B-but please stop calling me that. C-call me, Harry,"

"Ok, Harry," Steve said, "Talk,"


A/N: I imagined Harry as Nicholas Hoult by the way~

Belonging to me [[Bucky Barnes x Oc x Steve Rogers ]] 18+Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat