Chapter 22: The Immortal Phoenix vs The Strongest Human (Season 1 Finale)

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" ":Talking
' ':Thoughts
Y/n pov:

I was now in a colossuem with multiple large chess pieces as me and the dick will duke it out to see who will fight the legendary user of the boosted gear.

Sirzechs:"Let the fight, Begin!" He said as i start walking around slowly.

Y/n:"This'll be over in just a second." I said seemingly angreeing Ravel.

Ravel:"Defeat my brother in a second? Is he insane?" She asked to herself.

Riser:"Hmpth! Then I'll just shut your human lowlife mouth in less than a second, in a way that it will-"

Y/n:"AAGHH! Will you shut up with your annoying speeches!" I yelled agrying Riser. "I don't care about what you gonna do Chicken your nothing but a chicken to me waiting to be burned crisp." I said making him take out his wings in anger.

Riser:"Hmpth! You really are annoying you lowlives." He said as he starts flying up.

Ravel:"This human as the audacity to disturb my brother. The nerve!" She said angry as well as the other demons watching.

Riser:"Don't worry sister. I'll just kill him in one attack." He said charging towards me.


Issei pov:

Issei:"Y/n, watch out!" I yelled worried about him.

As Riser hit's Y/n a big explosion happens as i everyone get's worried as the other demons start laughing.

Demon1:"Haha. Ofcourse that's the outcome. He is nothing but a lowlife human.

Demon2:"Such an incompetent race." They said making me mad as well as the others.

As the smoke disappeares from the explosion we see Y/n completely unscathed making everyone shocked, but once more we see Riser was on his knees.


Demon2:"This isn't possible!" They said shocked.

Ravel:"Wha...what just happened?" She said shocked and a bit scared.


As Riser was approaching me he encased his fist in fire as it hit's my vector shield reflecting the attack back to him as it explodes. He got his hand exploded to bits as i cut his feet with a blade of wind with my vector manipulation making him go to his knees as the smoke disappeares.

Y/n:"If this is what high-class devils are all capable of then..." I said as tap my foot lightly sending a shockwave towards riser launching rather far.

" I said as tap my foot lightly sending a shockwave towards riser launching rather far

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(Touma as Riser)

after he landed with all his limbs back i then kicked a rock that was sticking out towards him as the rock formed black winds around it as it shoot's towards Riser but to my surprise he concentrated all his flames to fire a beam of fire at my projectile making a stalemate as it destroys the surroundings.

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