Chapter 19: The Rating Game Part: 2

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" ":Talking
' ':Thoughts
Y/n pov:

As i observe the Rating that's taking place now. I figured that Koneko,Kiba and Akeno were now setting trap like they planned in the Anime with Asia staying with Rias and Issei staying temporarly but while watching i was....bored.

Y/n:'I knew this game was gonna be slow but not this's quite boring when you can't seek through an episode." I said in my head as i start yawning from boredness.

Issei's pov:

I was still laying om Buchous lao but was surprised at what she just said but i just comply and stayed resting. After a while Buchou puts her hand on my left ear then i start to feel something wierd in my body.

Issei:'What the!? I..i feel new power flowing inside my body!' I said surprised by it.

Rias:"Remember i told you i spent eight pawns to ressurect you?" She asked.


Rias:"Right after ressurection your body couldn't handle all that power. So i locked it up with multiple layers of spells and i only released a small part of it." She explained

Issei:"Then that power i'm feeling right now is..."

Rias:"It's your inherent power. In order to full acquire it, you need Boosted Gear and a tough body to withstand it but your still nos there, though." She said making me a bit gloomy.

Issei:"So that's what that intense training was about." I said. 'I'm sorry for ever thinking you were a monster! I'm so terribe! I'm so terrible!' I said in my head.

Asia then looked away with her hands together.

Asia:"I didn't know that's what you were doing! Lord, forgive me for being jealous for a minute ag- Ahh!" She screamed as she gets a headache from praying to god.

Rias:"Listen Issei. Defeat your opponent, even if it's a girl. Don't hold back cause they won't hold back either." She said to me.

Issei:"I got it." I said as i make a fist. "I promised to bring you victory and me promising Y/n to kick Riser's butt."

Rias:"Yes, me and Y/n are expecting much from you. So don't give Y/n a bad show now, my adorable Issei." She said with me getting pumped up.

Rias pov:

Akeno:"Buchou, can you hear me?" Akeno called on the transcevier.

Rias:"Yes i hear you." I replied.

Akeno:"The preparations are complete." She said as i stand up making Issei fall.

Issei:"WAH! ACK!" He screamed as his head hit the coffee table.

Rias:"Then here's the game plan."

Y/n pov:

As i remember what happened to Issei in the anime i started snickering when Rias decided to stand and drop Issei.

Sona:"Hmmm? Is everything alright Mr. L/n?" She asked.

Y/n:"It's nothing Sona, just remembered somethinf funny." I answered as she looks back at the screen.

Tsubaki:"Hmm..Rias-sama has begun to move." She said to us.

Sona:"Since she lacks manpower, it's impossible for her to defend the base perfectly. Knowing that, a quick attack is probably the only choice." She said as Issei finally leaves the ORC building.

Rias pov:

As Issei leaves the room, it was now me and Asia left as i give the others orders.

Rias:"Listen. You won't be able to avoid a battle once you enter the gym. Make sure to folloe my order." I said to Koneko and Issei.

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