Is something wrong with me...

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Hey guys sorry for not updating but i got a questions.

What it called when your afraid of someone that you want to avoid them at all times?. Everytime i'm in the same room as them i start shaking in fear and it sometimes gets hard to breathe and whenever i hear they're footsteps i try to hide out of sheer fear even writing is making me shake fear. So what is this feeling called? And tell me what do i need to do to get rid of this and i know some of you will say this is fake it's not i joined wattpad as way to cope with something that's how i started writing stories it helps me calm down aswell as drawing and listening to ASMR and maybe i'm crazy for telling this to strangers but i feel if i tell my family they won't believe me oh and i appreciate the nice comments you guys sent on my chapters especially the funny ones so thank you.

The Reincarnated Magical Accelerator (Accelerator Reader X DXD) (Ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now