Chapter 23

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I went back to Stark tower that evening with Tony. "Oh you're back!" Pepper exclaimed when i entered the penthouse. She rushed up to me and embraced me. I stiffened, not prepared for the sudden gesture. "And you're safe." She breathed, relieved. "I was so worried." Tony shrugged off his jacket and chucked it on the sofa. "Yes," He said quietly. "Glad your safe kid." He awkwardly hesitated before patting my shoulder. The monday morning, i woke up with another splitting headache. I stumbled through the shower, dressing and grabbing breakfast. I met Happy in reception and we drove to school.  We pulled up outside the building, i said goodbye to Happy and stepped out of the car. 

I shrugged my bag on my shoulder and looked over to the curb. For the first time since starting school, Peter wasn't standing on the corner. The corners of my mouth turned down but i continued my path in side. I arrived to homeroom late and when i glanced to my seat, usually between Peter and MJ, i couldn't see Peter. I glanced around the room and saw him seated across the room next to Ned. For a second, his eye caught mine but we both quickly looked away. I slipped into the seat next to MJ. "How are you? What happened to you? You just disappeared." i shrugged. "I was ill." She nodded, believing the lie.  First lesson i had was physics, in which, we got out test papers back, i managed an A. I got given an essay to complete for next week. I got through maths and literature and then it was lunch. I wasn't hungry but i grabbed a can of coke and walked into the crowded canteen. I looked across to where MJ, Ned and Peter were sitting. MJ smiled at me and waved me over, Peter glanced over his shoulder but didn't look at me. I pressed my lips together in a hard line and walked over to an empty table. I spent the duration of my lunch there, sipping slowly on my drink. 

The same thing happened for the next week. I would go to school, me and Peter would ignore each other, i would have an odd conversation with MJ. Then i would trudge through classes and sit by myself at lunch.  Eventually i would get to go home. Although, that wasn't much better. Tony and Pepper would pry and i would stay in my room most of the time. 

By the first week of February i had had enough. I woke up from a dream of Sokovia again. It was monday morning but I stayed in bed. I squeezed my eyes shut, blocking the memories of the dream. I rolled over and pushed my face into the pillow, blocking the light breaking through the blinds. At 8 o'clock, i was meant to be leaving with Happy but i still hadn't moved. Someone knocked on my door, i didn't reply so Tony just spoke from the other side. "Clara? Happy's here, are you ready?" I didn't know how to reply so i settled on a lie. "I'm ill, i can't go to school." I croaked. Tony pushed open the door and peered around it. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I have a migraine." I replied. 

he took steps towards me and leant by my side. "Clara, look at me." He instructed. I pulled my head from the pillow and looked at him. He studied my face for a while and then nodded. "Ok, i'll tell Happy he can go." He left and i heard him and Happy chattering in the kitchen. I rolled onto my back and stared up at the ceiling. The hours ticked by, my mind slowly becoming a black hole. I decided to get ready at an attempt to save my self from my own mind. I had a long hot shower first and then walked over to my closet. I grabbed a pair of sweats but as i pulled the jumper off the hanger, it fell to the ground. I crouched down to grab it but noticed something screwed up in the corner. I picked it up and uncrumpled it. I swallowed hard as i realized what it was. Still covered in old dust from rubble and with a few blood stains, it was the suit i had been given at HYDRA, the suit i had worn during the battle of Sokovia, the suit i had warn as i watched Pietro die. I fell back on my heels and leant against the wardrobe door. Every time i thought it didn't hurt as much, that i hadn't cried in a while, hadn't thought of him in a while, something crept up on me. He crept up on me. 

My face became frozen and i thought i wasn't going to cry but after a while, my mind couldn't be bothered to fight and so the tears slipped down my cheek. I bowed my head into my hands, still holding the suit. I don't know how long i sat there for but my face became sodden and i really did have a migraine now. It hurt too much.  Everything hurt too much. I just wanted it to stop. 

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